"i've turned into a public thing." "just like the market place.i've turned into a public thing." "just like the market place.every eye laughs at me.." wonderful!whom are you planning to kill? you. today again a rift tookplace in the house early morning. discussed about me?- you're the reason of every rift. my father told me.. ..marry the cement trader'sdaughter. you'll be rich.
i told him that i willmarry with my own wish. when are we getting married? how can i tell you the date? if i've to rebelagainst the family.. ..first i'll haveto become independent. look, shakir ali khan is coming. if i'm settled in business,then it's done. for my sake. arrange shakir'sstay somewhere else.
love, you know thatthis flat is given by him. how can i refuse to him? this letter has come today? yes. you won't read this also? no. how many are they? twenty. won't you reply?
when they'll be twenty-one,i will go to shrine. i will plead. o' saint.. ..this is the onlytreasure of my life. please accept it. this means that.. ..you've not forgivenyour family yet. 6 years have passed. if it was a crime,the burden would be lightened.
if it was kindness,i would have forgot it. but akhtar, this is an experience. where should i forsake it? your foster brother sajid? brother sajju. my family members asked themto write a letter. he writes it. then why do you sendmoney home every month? so that they are ableto write the 21 st letter. 'mother, i can't do this? '
'if you say,i'll do some other work.' i will take up slavery. will you degrade yourselfby taking up a job? what will people say?they will asperse. no, dear.in our family, we keep servants. we don't take up jobs. lowly people do jobs. agree, dear. nobody will come to know.
and our honour will be saved. won't you lose your honourif i become a prostitute? nobody will get even a hint. you think i like all this? the ways of the world have changed. we've lost our title.we don't get pension either. and he does not do any work. after all he is a nawab.he is honourable, isn't it? dear, you are only our support.
you'll have todo this for our sake! mother, poison me! i will die! but i will not do all this! you've come again!wasn't yesterday's wound enough? i've come because i am wounded. i'll say one thingif you won't beat me. okay, go ahead. i like you lot.
i've read this dialoguein fictions several times. najma, i've come to take you along. really?- yes. will you marry me? yes, najma. we will get marriedas soon as we get a chance. will you be able to come with me? i will elope. akhatar! you? - i've not set outto see this beautiful city.
i've come meet you. akhtar might not be with you. he just comes tospend the night, right? that is why i've purposelycome at this time. will you've tea? i might after i've finished saying.or i might not. tell me. then firstly i'll tell youi spent the night in the office. congratulations!
and i drank liquor all night. that's not new. and i kept thinking all night. that is your profession. i kept thinking about you. only a habit. that's where you go wrong.it is not a habit. this.. this is my life.
i've heard it.perhaps i don't believe. six years have passed, najma. six years have passed.. ..since i'm in love with you. and seeing you with akhtar. i used to love you six years ago. i couldn't marry you. now i love you and i canbear this responsibility too. najma, listen to me.
najma, you'll feel hurt. you're leading an illusive life. he will never marry you. i'll leave. tea? no. i won't have tea. and anyway,you don't make nice tea. and i'm angry even now. hasn't akhtar woken up yet?
he left at night. he stays with you at night,doesn't he? he leaves by 12.50 p.m. bus. najma, i worry about you. as you know,shakir, i love him a lot. i will be satisfied with howmuch ever time he spends with me. all your life? how long will be my life? but he was eagerly waiting for you.
he says that i've agreat support of shakir. you don't think like that. whatever i am doingfor him only because of him. i want you to get settled. if you too wish the same,then it won't take time. najma, i like you a lot. i think even i shouldmarry a girl like you. what? i've returned to mycountry after several days.
invite some people for dinner. don't worry about money.- alright. hello.- hello. can i talk to mr.salim?- hold on, i'll call him. mr. salim, a call for you! hello? - mister,where were you lost? i had gone downstairs to have tea. you're managing with tea?- my job is important, madam. was the night spent properly?
who has got the gutsto stay restless every night? today, i'll encourage you. did you hear? i'll serveyou free liquor and food. is it? but on whatoccasion is this feast? is akhtar getting married to you? i'm destined to wait for that. the day he will marry me,there will surely be a feast. but i will not invite you.- reason? i can do no good to you.
i don't wish bad for you either. surely come at 8 o'clock.- yes, i will surely come. you should understand, akhtar. i've to take the trouble. you live in yourhouse with your parents. you get home cooked food. everybody is there toshare the joy and sorrow. then you've najma. you express your feelings,listen to them.
and i? after toilinghard in the markets of.. ..dubai, muscat, beirut..when i reach the empty hotel room.. i swear by god,i feel like committing suicide. even you've a home, shakir. today you're being very wise. the four walls are not called home. father! father, go back! but why are you getting married?
you can buy themost beautiful girls. can i buy najma?- brother, shakir! this is what i want to say? the girl who can be bought,is a cheap girl. she can entertain me for sometime.she can't make a home. my honour... i'm a religious man. without marriage, it is a sin. if you wish, najma can help me.
she can find me a bridelike herself from hyderabad. you want to marry to najma. you want to become independent too. you're badly in need of money too. you don't find it right?then forget it. even i'll go and stayin the house at rampur. people are waiting outside. you took very late? we're simply panting.
mr. shakir, meet him. he is a very famous writerof this country, salim. very glad to meet you. please sit.- thank you. take the cushion. how are you, salim?- i'm fine. mr. shakir, considersalim as our family member. he is trying to woonajma since many years. but najma isn'tgiving him a chance.
she serves him liquorand says 'good night'. right, najma?- i respect mr. salim a lot. what's that you don't do? you aren't saying anything,mr. salim? who knows, najma mightstart loving me some day. you mean to say whenwill najma leave akhtar.. ..and become yours. i mean to say it would be better.. ..if this miracle happensas soon as possible.
that heart-breaking cry..he cried out for me! if we don't listento shakir ali khan.. ..he won't give us commission. which will be 5-6 lakhs a year. in fact, the little earningwe have, will also stop. and we will have tovacate this flat as well. he has threatened me so. you didn't reply? love, you're notdoing a good thing.
it is my job to thinkwhether i'm doing good or bad. it is mine too. najma, remember one thing. if you want ourmarriage to take place.. ..then you'll haveto try your best.. ..and find a girlfor shakir ali khan. if.. you wish, then.. ..i will get shakir alikhan married with such a pomp.. ..the world will be stunned.
i will find out a gemfrom the entire hyderabad. salma, our chance is not coming. let us also play. may you get a cruel husband! why are you laughing?all your laughter will be lost. look at that fellow. what do you want? can't you see womenare playing here? i.. oh god!
scoundrel! this scoundrel is coming forward.let's go. don't you feel ashamedto intrude into the women's area? what is my fault in that? i was sitting peacefully. your eyes deceived me. shabanam, come here! look, how he is staring. beat him. take this slipper.
yes, throw him out. take this. what do you say?- o my god! let go my scar.- come near and take it. then i'll come near. please let it go. mother might come. please go. when will you meet?- what's going on? - mother! sajju, you? greetings, aunty.- where have you come?
aunty, my kite got cutand fell in your veranda. kite? where is it? it was here just now. perhaps it went inside.- you've grown up now. stop flying kites now. you're right. the kiteshouldn't fall somewhere else. scoundrel!he means to say some else. why are you abusing him? o' god! both haveequal intense feelings.
how are your studies going on?- i quit it long ago. do you do any work? - sometimesi drive yasin's rickshaw. but now i am planning oftaking a loan from the bank.. ..and buying my own rickshaw. you're right. in these times earningtwo square meals is enough. then you also have to get married. that's why i am doing all this. i see! congratulations.
greetings, aunty.- greetings. sit down, son. you've come after many days. i didn't have time. mother, he has no time to meet us. you sit, i'll get tea. nasreen, i had seen you on sunday. there were some friends with you. you look at girls asif they are goods for sale. but how did you dare tolook at other when i'm there?
you're a family member,aren't you? - yes. there was a girl with you. her name is shabanam. shabanam (dewdrop)vanishes in the sun. look at me.name is nasrin. i'm not so bad. don't joke, nasreen.it's a matter of the heart. it is the same with me. will you help me orshall i go somewhere else? for the first time in life,i've asked for something from you.
you're asking for everything. you'll take my life. you want to meet shabanam?- yes. i'll arrange for it. i knew you would help at any cost. only i didn't know. let shabanam sit in thecarriage and nasreen go home. you're shabanam? you?
then who is shabanam?- make a guess. shall i? you're shabanam!- how right you're! what you're waiting for?go your way. yes, i'll change my way from today. buy bangles! colourul bangles! the ornament of beautiful wrists!your beloved will love them. buy bangles! bangles! bangles!
hey bangle vendor!show me some bangles. show me some bangles. bangles on this lovelywrist will break many hearts. what are you doing! i'm putting bangleson your wrist, madam. show me some more bangles.i want green bangles. you want green bangles? wheredo i get green bangles from now? i bought these withgreat difficulty. i spent my entireweek's earning on them.
i'll get to meet her if you lendme your carriage for some time. forget it, i've not carrieda single passenger yet. my life is at stake and you'reworried about your business? hurry up, or i will miss her. alright, take it. but be careful. don't meet with an accident. i've already met with one. you've a cup of teauntil i meet her and come. want a carriage?- yes.
where are you going, shabanam?- who shabanam? a girl in my neighbourhood.she is very beautiful. there is no one more beautifulthan her in the whole of hyderabad. even i am handsome,but she is out of this world. have you gone crazy? tell all thisto the one you're talking about. i am telling her only. you understand, madam? i am telling this to theone i am talking about. understand? are you blind, you idiot!
you'll get off here,won't you? - yes. carriage puller, here is your fare. "once again,we spoke of flowers at night." "is this a night ora night full of flowers?" "flower garlands,and flower bouquets." "the evening is flowery,the night is flowery." "your company is like beingin the company of flowers." "even your talks areas beautiful as flowers." "our eyes meet, our lips meet."
"we're gaining thelife of the flowers." "this fragrant song.." "..is like a flowerynight in a desert." "once again,we spoke of flowery at night." "is this a night,or a night filled with flowers?" cheers! we'll even need some hired inviteesfor the wedding in hyderabad. don't worry, we'll get them. will salim come with us?
najma invites him and he refuses?impossible! forget hyderabad,he'll even come to timbaktu. it looks like he's deeply in love. have you ever loved so deeply? god forbid! you haven't broughtthe bride's measurement. then how will youbuy her jewellery? bride? there is no bride. mr. keshavlal,please arrange a good bride.
and the search willstop here itself. then why are youbuying this jewellery? no bride in sight.we're searching for one. you're joking.- honestly, we are not joking. i've never heard of sucha thing before. - even we haven't. you're fooling me. heard that, najma? were you the only oneleft in the entire city? you're right.a suspense film is being produced.
do us one favour.- yes. if the jewellery isn't the rightsize. you'll have to exchange it. this is your own shop. it's my work. this is the limit, najma! i've already crossed all limits,mr. akhtar. i am talking about these tickets. you've booked the returntickets too. what nonsense is this? we will leave on the22nd and return on the 31 st.
the 22nd and 31 stwill be lost in traveling. in the remaining 7 days,you'll see girls.. ..choose one of them,and arrange the marriage? you've gone crazy, najma! najma, when you go tothe bazaar to buy clothes.. ..you visit 2-3 shops. even when you goto buy a pair of shoes.. ..you look up everyshop in the bazaar. whereas this involves a girl.
shakir, if there is anything thatis the cheapest in your bazaar.. ..then it's woman. salim, it is good you came along.we won't get bored. right, najma? what is the matter?salim is being pampered. both are from hyderabad,so they get along very well. why are you unnecessarilygoing to hyderabad? why don't you marry sonia? not a bad idea.
why? am i the onlysacrificial goat? you're not a goat; but a she-goat. unable to sleep? najma, can't thisjourney continue forever? go to sleep. "try recollecting;you'll recall everything." "the beat of every momentshall come to a still." "try recollecting.." who is it?- i'm.. salim.
what do you want?- i want to meet najma. najma is not feeling well!- i know.. ..but if you..- simply refuses to leave! such a shameless fellow!- who is it, mother? salim. i told him you're not feeling well. i know you care a lot for me,mother. i won't ask him to stay,i'll make him leave immediately. but at least let me meet him.
najma. why do you come hereand suffer humiliation? you're a famous poet of this city. keep some dignity at least. if i was not a poet.. ..but a trader instead.. ..then perhaps no onewould stop me from meeting you. what do you think? that your wish will be fulfilledby saying such painful things?
then what is yourreason for coming here? i want to meet you just once. when? whenever you want. why only once? meeting once is necessaryto meet several times. if you forget about several times,i can meet you once. why put a conditioni cannot accept? though you do have a right to..
..make that one time the last time. you wait here, i'll just come. our daughter will be disgracedby your coming here everyday. who will marry her then? you neither have any shame,nor any worry about her reputation! come. you cannot go withthis worthless fellow. mother. the day i will wantto run away from home..
..you'll not be able to stop me. i will speak to him and return. let's go. my family is worriedtheir golden hen may run away. why did you callyourself a golden hen? i cannot tell you this. if you've understood,please forgive me. and if you haven't,please forget me. you cannot stipulatethat i forget you.
you're being unfairnot only to me.. ..but also to your talent. the talent that createsa wall between you and me.. ..i’d rather give it up. i hold your talent in high esteem. but you don't love me? i cannot marry you. goodbye. listen.
if we meet somewhere,will you recognise me? i will surely greet you. why are you lookingat me like that? a couple of tears for my refusal. "the rainy weather shall be foggy." "my heart will burnon the melting flame." "the henna on your handswill remind you of something." "a deserted door atthe turn of the lane.." "will wait for someonewith craving eyes."
"and the sight willreturn dejected." "all have come with hopes;i've come with my heart." even i am coming along.- you stay here. "i've come with myheart full of your images." "i searched for you;with a shattered heart." "and with your memoriesall the while." "my destiny is disastrous;how will my deed work?" "i'm being pierced withpain that rips my heart." "i cannot bear your separation."
"even my tears or my sighscannot express what i suffer." what did you ask for? i asked for you from god. we have finally reached hyderabad. when will we findthat beautiful bride? shakir is desperate. and if the girls are fallingfrom the sky, get one for me too. even i am a bachelor still. najma, how do you planto see prospective girls?
there is one old woman. she knows all theeligible girls here. she is famous like thedevil in the entire city. we'll call her.the name's hajjanbi. bless you. may god bless youwith a handsome husband. i've a daughter elder to her.she is very young. find some match for her,you will earn god's blessings. i've come for that purpose.
look at these pictures. look. you also have a look. what is this?- why? what happened? i gave you the wrong picture. what to do, i've grown old now. i've cataract in my eyes. that makbool chand bahadur. he's trying to get married inold age. this picture is for him. i'll show you anotherpicture. look.
he is from a very good family.the boy has no vices. besides, he is also good looking. i'd advise you to get yourelder daughter married to him. they are only demanding rs.5000. where will i getso much money from? you're aware that it isdifficult to make even ends meet. then how will you get her married? you've a young daughter.no one will marry her. what nonsense are you talking!i'll thrash you with a broom!
i can get this one marriedtoday itself if you like. shall i garland you with slippers? stop it, shabanam.why are you abusing her? then why is she talking nonsense? don't invite her home. don't invite me?big deal! who can ask me to leave? i've been coming to thishouse even before you were born. i've fed you in my lap.you were like a sparrow then. now that you've grown up yousay i shouldn't be invited home.
you cannot driveme out of this house. forget it, hajjanbi.why are you arguing with the kid? go inside. give me a betel leaf.i've not had one since morning. take. give me the picture. i take your leave. good day. hajjanbi, please keep mydaughter in mind. - don't worry. god keep you ever happy!
if she's destined to;she'll indeed meet her groom! akhtar, will i becomean exhibit in hyderabad? of course.- what do you mean? this country is still very poor. and you've become famous as aneligible bachelor in every street. just watch. a bazaar willbe laid out for you in no time. name.. suriaya jahanara. tasneem jahaan. bibi jaan.
masarrat. nakhat. farhat. shagufta. the auction house is well-decked. bidding has begun for tired,gloomy, young bodies. decent, veiled women arewaiting with their daughters.. ..and sisters for their turn. waiting for some customer,some buyer. age is not an issue.
honour, decency, dignity, areall being auctioned in this bazaar. najma, god will bless you.you will earn everyone's goodwill. please get my daughter married. i.. i.. this poor mother begs you.- what are you doing! najma, we are helpless. we don't even havedry bread to eat. my daughters are growing old.please help her get married. no! we will be your slaves for life.we will serve you for life.
where do i go?where do i go and end my life? what are you making me do, o god? what is your will? what sin are you makingme pay for, o god? please spare me.please forgive me, o god. if you didn't want toarrange shakir's marriage.. ..why did we come here at all? the groom's party cannotmarch off from the hotel. najma, you'll have to go home.
how can i go back there? they are your family after all. when a girl elopes,her family is disgraced. and you still blame me for it? if you didn't want to go home,why did you buy so many things? i knew i will have to go.. ..but i didn't know how. shall i come with you? i will face this censure alone.
"every evening was spent hoping." mother! najma? isn't it najma's voice?- mother? you?! najma! you all must have facedlot of ridicule after i left. and now that i'm back,you'll have to answer people again. mother, i'm trying mybest to become respectable.
najma. dear, come back home! don't hurt me, mother! i've crossed the door.. ..but i can go througha trial by fire no more! sister najma?- yes, your sister najma. you and in this town? had i had my way,i'd have never come here. i wrote you 20 letters. aunt was in a bad shape.
uncle complained butfell silent after that. we all lost hope. you can punish me now. so what is my punishment? i feel like pulling yourbraids like how i did as a child.. and mother would thrash you. my life is empty but yes,my hair is still intact. here it is.- no, i won't dare to. you know i like itwhen you get upset with me.
you're my foster brotherand i'm very fond of you. after mother's demise,i've nobody else. i am there for you.- you are all i've, sister. what brings you here? i just came. oh god, you've grown up! now i'll have to lookfor a bride for you. sister, i've solved your problem.- really? good.
you meet her and getme married before you leave. your marriage will beperformed with pomp and gaiety. i'm a match maker. i'll fulfil all my desiresduring your marriage. brother sajju, you must attendthe dinner at my place tonight. really?- yes, please come. aren't you sister najma?- yes. are you going tomeet brother sajju? sajju's choice is excellent.
"such was his sight;i felt like lost." "and, he walked awaydetaching me from myself." "such was his sight.." "i bowed and i ceasednot doing that." "and, i articulatedmy devotion as such." "i went to extent ofworshipping you, o' idol." "and, i turned youa god for every eye." "so much i desired for your lane.." "thus, i headed bathed in blood."
amazing! you sang so well! may god protectyou from the evil eye! mother, feed thepoor for rs 100. - okay. why did you ask me tosing in front of everybody? they were no strangers. you're very naive. you'll learna lesson when you get betrayed. i was talking about sister najma. and that fellow whowas sitting behind? - who? the one who was staring at me.- why were you looking at him?
won't you look if someonelooks at you? - no. let them look, but youshouldn't look back at them. the dove should keep its eyes close;no matter the cat eats it up. what logic is that? first you trapped me andnow you're blaming me for it. you too were enjoyingthe praises lavished on you. now enough. don't ask me to singin public after marriage. hide me from everyone.- okay.
so that nobody but you see me. praised be allah! are you sleepy?- hmm. will you go home? come, i'll drop you home. i want shabanam. shabanam.. if we won't get shabanammarried to shakir.. ..hajjanbi or somebodyelse will do it.
or her parents willcome running to do it. this will happen andyou won't be able to stop it. najma, they are poor people. with that money, they canget their elder daughter married. we too had dreamsof having a home.. ..with only the two of us. all this can be possible onlyif we agree to shakir's wishes. look, shakir will get married. but if you disobey me..
..then we won't beable to get married. i said, i don'tapprove of this match. look, i am not my daughter's enemy. i took troubles on myselfto see that she's comfortable. i too have a right on her. you don't know theways of this world. you're ignorant ofthe elder daughter also. we ought to get her married also. but in poverty shewill die of starvation.
sir, she is right. he is very well-off. he is marrying her, not buying her. there will be a proper wedding. your status insociety will enhance. shabanam's unclewill meet you tomorrow. he makes all decisions.my husband is not worldly wise. frankly speaking, we can'tbear the expenses of the marriage. god has been kind on you.
and he's even givenyou a large heart. may he shower hisgrace on you always! and may you in turnshower your grace on us. if you wish you can arrangefor my elder daughter's marriage. only man can help man. this is not trade but charity. allah! hajjanbi, what do you think? he's riding a high horse.- how should we tackle him?
be patient.- should we bait him? shabanam is the baityou can trap him with. she's my child.- we are helping her father. will 5 be enough?- it should be sufficient. you'll get your share.- you're an honest man. rs 101/- for charity.- allah is all benevolent! amen! oh god! king, queen and jack!
the entire universerevolves around them. mr shakir, please come here. i want rs 5000.- fine. here.- and rs 101/- as token. yeah! marriage is an institutionof buying and selling flesh.. ..and it enjoys legal sanctity. i want to take the measurementsof the bride's feet. as shabanam is unwell,i'll do it for you.
no! no! shabanam.- no. no.., no.. mother! no.., no.. mother. no.., mother. no, mother. no..., no.. mother. no... no... no.. no.. - najma,what is this you're doing?
everybody is ignorantof their actions. i hope we are notunwittingly committing a sin. ignorance is bliss.- najma. we'll do charity toappease god for our sins. today we are reliving those times. auction houses that hadshops in markets and squares.. ..we have now broughtthem into our drawing rooms. even today the bodiesof virgins are traded. they are auctioned andthe rich are the buyers.
sirs.. willing to quote a price? mr akhtar, start the bidding. mr shakir, you do it. come on, bid. bid diram. bid dollar. bid pond, rupees. spectators, the bidding commences. the name is shabanam anshari. she is fresh like the dew. she is still not 16.
she is poor, very poor. her father is old and helpless. she also has anunmarried elder sister. only a real connoisseurcan buy this gem. start the bidding. start the bidding! what did you say? free? sir, what are you saying? i agree our country is poorbut it is not that poor either.
zakir ali khan. a few pairs of clothesand a roof over her head! look carefully. look at her doe like eyes. her lips.. like rose petals. look at her body. look at flesh on her body! jewels?now you're getting the point! perfumes and furs and silks!
amazing! you're a true connoisseur. what a man! sirs, the bidding is over! 5 lakh once!5 lakh twice! 5 lakh thrice! mr shakir, shabanam is now yours. salim! shabanam is now yours. mr salim,i did not expect this of you.
what expectation? speak in clear terms. you're so much educated, a writer.you'll talk so badly.. ..i'm disappointed. being a writer,i always weigh my words. do you recollect whatyou've done last night? i remember vaguely. you hurled thechoicest abuses on us. you stood on the wallsof hussain sagar and insulted me.
you especially humiliated me. yeah, i shouldn't have done that. i'm saying the same thing. you failed to comprehend. had you not been akhtarand najma's friend.. ..then you'd have paida heavy price for it. i just said something wrong to you. but mr shakir ali,had i had my way.. ..i'd have got youwhipped in public.
i'd have buried you alive. in my eyes,a man who buys a woman.. ..is a great sinner. you're very insolent! you're unfit to be a writer. you taking about insolent! you still have toencounter my insolence. had it not been for najma.. ..then i'd killed you ratherhave your marriage procession.
"we are from the groom's side." "what can we tellthe bride's mother?" let's hug to celebrate this day.come, children. god bless. "come, o' beloved;the ambience is vibrant." "these flowers lookwithered without you, dear." "neither the lily,the jasmine nor any flower." "darling, the jewels donot interest me without you." "neither the bangles,nor earrings or the anklets."
"beloved, i don't wantto adorn myself without you." "neither the kohl,nor the lipstick or the henna." isn't this true, aunt? you've fixed shabanam's marriage,isn't it? but you knew thati wanted to marry her! you even approved of me, aunt. i discontinued my studies for her! and am driving a rickshaw.you know that? why are you silent? answer me!
you're also a partof this conspiracy! you sold off your poordaughter to a rich man! you auctioned her bliss. do you really hateyour poverty so much?! for god's sake, answer me! why don't you reply me?! i'll immolate myself! oh god, why areyou not answering me?! don't say a word!just be a mute spectator!
i'll see how you finalisethis deal! i'll see! why is shakir ali khangetting married. he can even buy a girl. he is buying a girl.- what do you mean? najma.. ..in this world manis the biggest animal. to hide his sins and crimes.. ..he has made somecustoms and rituals. sometimes he proclaims thatthese customs, are linked to..
..religion, and sometimes law. he takes shelter under these.. ..so called customs andshows himself to be respectable. if shakir ali khan tellsanyone that i want to.. ..buy off your daughter, thatperson will kill shakir ali. but if the same shakir alikhan uses the ploy of.. ..old daughter, thenthat man will not refuse. since this is the practicefollowed in the world. he will marry off hisdaughter, and accept it..
..as his daughter's fate. what about me?where have i come from? what am i doing? why don't i refuse?why don't i get angry. who am i? what am i? i hope i am not thebuyer in this market. you are not the buyer nazma.. ..but a person who will besold in this market. you are that toy, whichhas already been bought.
you didn't want your body tobe a show case of a shop.. ..so you preferred tostay on at akhtar's home. you are like the falling wallof this society which is dead. you will, like the other womensuffocate within the four.. ..walls of our homes and willbe used by men as a toy. as long as you need thesupport of a man, whether.. ..he is akhtar, or salim,you'll remain nothing but a toy. the day you learn to livewithout any support, that.. ..day you'll haveyour own identity.
that day you will be nazma. sajju! what is it? what is it?i hope all is well. for god's sake tell mewhat's the matter? speak up. you were arranging my marriage,isn't sister. - yes. but shabanam's marriage hasbeen fixed with shakir ali khan. o god! the girl you wantedto marry was shabanam! sajju why didn't you tellme earlier about this.
i will drown myself. - no.i will not stay alive sister. no sajju. if i don't get married to shabanam,i'ii cut myself and die. no sajju.. this happened unknowingly.- i'll die sister. i'll go.. where are you going?- to shabanam's parents. why? - this marriagewill not take place. how will you do this? - when i gotit fixed, i'll get it stopped too.
don't be mad nazma.- let me face the mistake i did. listen have you gone mad? do you think you'll be able tostop this marriage. these rituals. which world areyou living in nazma. which world are you breathing in.which ground are you standing on? i do not know all this.i only know this that.. ..is injustice tothese innocent beings. we are ruining their lives.i will never let this happen. i will never allow it.- listen nazma, you'll be humiliated..
nazma you will get insulted. nazma don't play with yourrespect in this manner. stop nazma.. what are you saying. i should break my daughter'smarriage. go back on our word. we are respectable. people like us do notbehave in this manner. you are not in hyderabad.but how can you forget.. ..the customs andculture of this place.
you know this well that in respectablefamilies, once a word is given, ..a daughter belongsto her in-laws. you will go away to mumbai.but we have to stay here.. ..amidst our relatives andamidst our community, and.. ..amidst the society.how can we break this proposal. listen you hadbrought this proposal. marriage is not a child'splay which can be broken.. ..at one's whims and fancies. marriages are made bythe lord.
if women do not getmarried they go astray. you will not makeme commit this crime. i will pray to god that heshows you the right path. sajju please forgive me. i am to blame for your.. pain.please forgive me. please do not cry.for god's sake, don't cry. you were not able tostop this marriage. now i'll go and stop it. please forgive me.
i have lost. i have lost at the hands of life. i have lost.. sir.. ..you are wealthy people. you have lands, property, power. god has given youall your needs sir. you can get the mostbeautiful of girls. you can buy girls likeshabanam, everyday.
i am a very poor person. i am very poor.please have mercy on me. i request you, with folded hands. i'll touch your feet.please let go of shabanam. i only have shabanam. she is my life. she is my world. i love her a lot. don't take away shabanam from me.
you are speaking in avery determined manner. you are talking about shabanam. she's my fiancã©e' today. she'll be my wife tomorrow. you've heard about rich people.you haven't seen them. you are related to me soi'll make you understand. come with me. come to my room. come.. what is it my dear.did you see a bad dream?
someone is crushing my heart.i am suffocating. something's broken!- come to your senses, my dear. mother. take me to the dargah.i've to pay the debt. yes you must go. listen! take shabanam to thedargah, carefully. "i have come to you with my heart." "in my heart, and in my heart.." "i bring with me yourvisage, your image."
"people come with hopes, andi have come with my heart." "i searched for you,with a broken heart" "i searched for you everywhere, withyour memory ingrained in my heart." "my destiny didn't support me.look at my misfortune." "sorrow pierced my heart." "your separation,i just cannot bear." "my tears are soaked with my sighs.i cannot bear it." "my tears are soaked with sighs.i cannot bear it." "if only i could see you.."
"i had asked for life from you." "today i am taking backthe death of my desires." "god i have come toyour door, for help.." "o lord.. o lord.." shabanam..! sajju..! no shabanam, we have to go back home.- sajju! i will die. i will die.let me go to him. -sajju! sajju what's wrong with you.
a calamity has befallen me. now you do something for me. you had first introducedme to shabanam. look what have they done to you. now what more do you want? you tell me, whatshould i want now? take me to meet shabanam once. for the last time, let me meet her. very soon, she willbelong to someone else.
she must have put henna on. let me see what colouremerges, out of my love. don't you know she's gettingmarried. how will she come out? only you can do this favour for me. give me this last favour.. ..and after this i willnever ever question you. i will not ask for anything. nasreen, what are you saying? if something happens, wewon't be able to show our face.
aunty, do you want that onshabanam's marriage, sajju.. ..should be mourned!- i hope not.. the condition i haveseen him is very pitiable. but my dear, a lot ofceremonies have to be done. they will be coming in the evening. it will be my duty. i will take shabanamwith me to my home aunty. for god's sake have trust on me. i will bring her back myself.
our respect is in your hands. if you hadn't metme at nasreen's home.. ..maybe i would nothave recognized you. i have changed my appearanceso that if you meet me.. ..after today, you shouldnot recognize me at all. i have ruined you. you gave my life a new meaning. or else what did i have in my life. if i and you were not poor..
..no one would havekept us apart. isn't it. yes. no one wouldhave kept us apart. i always wanted to seeyou as a bridegroom. look how nasreen iscrying at my wedding.. ..as if she is mourning our death. please permit me to go. for my sake, for the sake of myrespect, for the sake of my poverty, please forget me. remember one thing sajju ifi couldn't belong to you..
"look at me today toyour heart's content." "look at me today, toyour heart's content." "the one who's deaddoes not come back." "if you come close to me again," "i will be humiliated far and wide" "look.." "come and love mewith all your heart." "so that the pain in yourheart can be pacified." "no one comes withthis pain in his heart."
in front of these two witnesses.- in front of these two witnesses. an amount of.. - an amount of..- 5000 rs. - 5000 rs. in cash..- in cash.. has to be given as mehr.- has to be given as mehr. against..- against.. the marriage of shabanam.the marriage of shabanam. ask him if it's acceptable.- is it acceptable? repeat 'i'- 'i. 'i have accepted this marriage.- i have accepted this marriage.
'to get an heir.- to get an heir. shabanam dear, i am a lawyer.mr. arshad ali khan, and.. nawab tajoomal hussain,are the two witnesses. in exchange of 5000 rs. asmehr, you are being married.. ..to shakir ali khan. do you accept it. speak up dear. shabanam speak up my dear.shabanam speak up. shabanam.
she has accepted it. i don't want to go. are you going to stay here nazma. i was thinking of going. the tickets are for today.give me one ticket. i have had enoughof this i'll go now. alright, i am going. today i am very happy nazma. now i can rebel againstmy people at home.
i can live my lifethe way i want to. days of waiting are over now nazma. now i can marry whenever i want to. who are you going to marry? have you seen any girl.. ..or will i have to search forsomeone like shabanam again. i hope you don't thinkyou are going to marry me. why are you talkingin this manner today. that which i've learnt from you.
you took me out of onehell and put me in another. you took away my character. you made me useless and helpless.. ..so that i could liveonly with your support. but mr. akhtar you couldnot save even yourself! i never wanted to sellmy body but you bought me. you were a businessman anda man, and today you are.. ..a pimp of shakir ali khan,his agent. - najma. if shakhar ali khan givesyou a handful of diamonds..
..you will even sell me. that man, who was known akhtarhussain is out of my life. please don't najma, i'll die. you are already dead.- i'll be ruined. you are already ruined.- i cannot live without you. i can live without you,mr. akhtar, please take.. ..yourself from here.find another house. shabanam! "i had a great desire within me.."
"i had a great desire. within me." "to drench in blood and go away" "to drench in blood and go away." salim.- najma. najma.. najma.. do you want to say anything? but i have to say something. i confess that.. ..for mistake,crime and injustice..
i am equally responsible.