guddu, don't just stand there. did you install the flagson both the sides of the road? yes, it is done. okay, come here.did you get all the things we need? yes, i did.- check everything and tell me. the scarf has to betied in a few minutes. the flag-post has to be put up. but master isn't here yet. he will be here. sitaramsir always arrives on time..
..once he gives his word. hello, master! - hello, master! hello, master! - yes. sir is here. start the fire-crackers. hurry up. hello, sir! - hello! please come. - i hope i'm not late. no, we have time. please come. please come, master. - hello!
priest! put the garlandaround his neck. - yes. now start the ceremony.- okay, master. bring the flag-post. - yes, sir. hurry up.- go bring it. - go quickly. yes, bring it. keep it there. be careful. - here you go, sir. be careful.put it down gently. be careful. come on, put it into the hole. now fill it up nicelywith mud. - yes.
be careful. priest, you can start now. everything went well?- yes, master. what about those funds?- it will be done today, sir. get it done quickly andgive me the report. - yes, sir. i will go now. okay? - okay. master! master! you haven'ttaken any contributions.. ..from me in the past 5 years. please accept my fundsthis year and let me join in.
i'm ready to sufferpunishment for what i did. please let it go.he was rash with his words. you are older to him.please forgive him. i can't forgive him. sitaram knows to punish,not to forgive. did you forget whathe said to me that day? if you don't have themoney to get the work done.. ..why are you a master over us? fulfill your responsibilities.
sell your house or mortgageit in order to do your work. but at the end of theday the work should be done. instead of doing your work,you put up a committee.. ..to collect money inorder to fill your stomach. isn't that what he said to me? he said it once and someoneelse will say it again. so what's the use of thiscommittee, society and trust? do whatever you wantbut leave me out of it. i will visit the templeto pray to god like the others..
..and i will give a donationif you ask me for it. how can you.. listen! it doesn't matterwho started the work. it is important that thetemple construction is completed. hey!- yes, master? i'm leaving. good day. shiva! hurry up! bring the car. hurry up. hurry up. hurry up.
master! master, if i said something wrong.. master became angry and left.. i will keep the moneyif he doesn't want it. move aside. get out of my way. we came to the templeand we offered the prayers. we brought the masterhere and did all the hard work. and we have to leave?does this seem fair to you? what did i do?
why did you interferein this matter? what will you getby defending that man? now complete the work. i should complete it?- yes. are you scared? we all are busy managingour own families. how can you and i finishthe temple construction? master has been doingall the work in our village.. ..for the past 5 years. you had to mess up thingsby opening your big mouth.
let it be. we can discussthis tomorrow with him. he is not a man whosays one thing today and.. ..says a completelydifferent thing tomorrow. he sticks to hisdecision once it is made. he won't change iteven if he loses his life. he won't care if he or anotherman loses his life over it. what should we do now? i know what to do.only one person can do this now. who is that?
i think it is going to rain. quickly gather all the red chilies. today kaushalya willsurely get wet in the rain. you are mad. my daughterwill not get wet in the rain. she will come back runningas soon as it starts raining. keep everything inside. keep the towels inside. huh? children, look! look!
yeah! not a single drop fell on me. what are you doing?leave my hand! hey! leave me. dad! what is it, arjun? dad! dad! something reallyamazing happened today. the rain was chasing me. i didn't want to get wetso i ran with all my strength. the rain was chasing me.it was an intense moment.
i was running so hardthat i reached home.. ..without letting a singlerain drop fall on me.. ..and i didn't get wet at all. after all, whose daughter are you?sitaram's daughter. did you see howtalented my daughter is? she is your daughterbecause she didn't get wet.. ..but she would've beenmy daughter if she got wet. alright,go bring me a cup of coffee. go on.- hey!
you! hello, dear! hello, dear! - hello! just a minute. i will call dad. we came to meet you. okay. come in.- no, dear. we are fine. there was a smallargument in the temple. master immediately lefthis post as the secretary.. ..and said thathe won't do this work. he left all the reportsand walked away.
please persuade your dad, dear.. ..to take up thesecretary's post again. it is true that myfather loves me a lot. it is true that he willagree to anything i ask of him. but if my fatherdoesn't like something.. ..i won't talk to him about it. please listen.. please don't force me.i can't imagine asking my father.. ..to do something hedoesn't want to. forgive me.
oh dear! suresh isn't here yet. he will come, mom. yes. every year he willask me thousand times a day.. ..about going to tirupati.but he never comes. i'm sure he will do thesame thing this year too. what is that work thatis so important to him? yes. he doesn't have anyrelatives too. he lives alone. he should come on time. what are you saying?am i not his relative?
he also feels sad about this. we are his relativesand you.. darn! okay. sorry, mom. okay. okay.listen, where is the ticket? i kept them safely, mom. really? where did he goafter leaving his bags here? no, mom. he'll leavethe car with the driver.. ..and come back. don't worry. okay. okay.i'm sure you sent him to do it.
you are.. time is up andthe train will leave any minute. suresh promised thathe will come, mom. he will definitely come. no, mom. suresh won't come.he didn't promise me. quiet. he will come.- he won't come. he will come. - he won't come. there he is! "my name is carolina." "wow!"
"hey, carolina!" hey, carolina! "hey, carolina!' "aim your target at me." "carolina! you are very lean." "tell me how to embrace you." "come, come,come, to the compartment.." "..where a beautiful girl waits." "she is simple gorgeous.she has a killer body."
"my heart has been restlessever since i saw her." "know that i've beenshaken ever since i saw you." "accept the fact thatyou have wounded my heart.." "..like a knife dipped in honey." "there is no other girllike you in this whole world." "i have been searchingfor you everywhere, my darling." "my darling." "why are you afraid oftelling me your feelings?" "you are the only one i love."
"i promise you." "i didn't dare to touchyou though i was with you." "maybe you are not in my destiny." "i won't leave you now.i will be with you forever." "i will embrace youand make you mine." "accept that i won'tget a kiss if i'm not brave." "know that i won'tbe scared or shy now." "my heart is intoxicatedwith your love." "my heart is in love with you,carolina."
"carolina!" "men become your admirersafter seeing you." "they lose their peaceand sleep because of you." "carolina! carolina!" "come to my life.i love you, darling." hey! sanjay! geeta! they allhave arrived from the city. hey, children!- be careful. be careful. hey! - wait!slow down. slow down.
i think prameelahas come from the city. be careful, children. hey! - be careful, children.slow down. - slow down. come here, children. grandpa! grandpa! grandpa! - oh dear! be careful. grandpa will get hurt. he was okay wheni saw him last year. now his tummy is out.i think he is having twins.
i will slap you. did you hear what he said? prameela, how are you? what happened to grandma?- what is this, grandma? she was 72 kilos last year,but this year she is 92 kilos. you are right. you should've cometwo days earlier, dear. yes, but we didn't get tickets.- come inside. actually your grandfatherhas been waiting for you..
..since last week. he is very excited totake you all to the temple. he will really enjoy doing it. uh.. suresh! why are you standing there?come inside! i'm sorry.i was so excited to see everyone.. ..that i forgot about you.i'm sorry. i just stood therebecause i didn't want to.. ..disturb your happiness.
keep the bag here.they will bring it inside. okay. okay.- come in. how are you studies going on, dear? this is my last year. - hmm. if you pass that is. - grandpa! grandpa has passedin all the exams long back. grandpa, tell him to stop! grandpa! he is my friend suresh. i brought him alongto see tirupati.
bless me, grandpa. may god bless you, my boy! suresh, you receivedmy grandpa's blessings. i think you will be verysuccessful in your life now. we'll see. but what didyou bring for this grandpa? oh no! sorry, grandpa.please, grandpa. i completely forgot about it. what are you doing?he is such a sweet kid. why are you troubling him?
you should be ashamed. grandma! don't scold my grandpa. hey! why are youscolding my grandma? hey! why are you scoldingmy granddaughter? hey! why are youscolding him for me? huh? why are youpolluting the atmosphere? you are the village council.give the verdict quickly. don't just sit thereand see each other's face. decide something quickly.
stop! mahindar singhhas humiliated neeta. he did it on purpose. since he has humiliated her,he has to marry her. and if he doesn't marry her,he has to.. ..pay a fine of 20,000rupees to the village council. what do you say? - yes. am i right? - you are right. are you okay with it?- this is injustice. if i marry the manthat has humiliated me..
..what if he humiliatesme again after marriage? i don't want to marry him.i beg of you. i don't want to marry him. you sinners!why are you doing this injustice? it is a crime to getthis girl married to him. village head! change your decision! village head! my grandsonhas returned from abroad. now he will finish all of you.
"a tiger! my grandsonhas returned as a tiger!" "he will destroy his enemies." "he will thrash them.he will smash them." "he will break all theirbones and tear them apart." hi, grandma! hey, pradeep! how are you?- superb! pradeep! your son is calling me.let me say hello to him. hi, dad!
son, you said youwill return tomorrow. yes, dad. the flight thati was travelling in had a problem. they started the flight withoutfilling the tank with fuel. oh no! - the flightlanded in a nearby village. so i took a lift home. whydid you gather such a big crowd? are you distributingpension to everyone? i'm giving them my judgment, son. judgment? - yes. when did you study law, dad?
i didn't study law. then did you become asenior lawyer's assistant.. ..and practiced the law? i didn't practice anything. then did you have a teastall outside some court? what is he saying? quiet everyone. our familyhas been giving judgments.. ..to the villagersfrom many generations. oh i see!now i understand what is going on.
what is the case? mahindar singhhas humiliated neeta. oh, a rape case. - yes. what is your verdict?- i gave a superb verdict. what is that?- that man has to marry her. wow! - it doesn't stop there. he has to pay a fineof 20,000 rupees.. ..to the village council.- bravo! - thank you! neeta, what do youfeel about this verdict?
what kind of verdict is this? i don't want tomarry that man. - oh. okay then, mahindar singh! what do you have tosay about this rape case? this is very common in my life. so you raped her? - yes, i did. the village council's verdictis that you should marry her. they said i have to paya fine of 20,000 rupees.. ..if i don't marry her.
oh, so you will paya fine of 20,000 rupees.. ..to escape thepunishment for rape? no. - huh? i already paid 20,000rupees to the village council. so you did advance bookingto commit rape? - yes. if you get out of thisyou will continue to rape women. the whole village isafraid of mahindar singh. mahindar singh? - hmm. listen, everyone! in orderto correct mahindar singh and..
..to stop others in thevillage from committing rapes.. ..should i give you a verdict? yes! yes, please! yes! don't interfere with my verdict. mr. village! - village head! whatever.the whole village is with me. so wait for my verdict. you look like a hero.want to join me? let me be the villain.- sorry. sorry. sorry.
mahindar! there is onlyword in english that i don't like. sorry! - sir!sir! put it down, sir. is this okay?- a little more down, sir. is this okay? - a little more, sir. is this fine? - oh god! run, rascal! run! never take advantageof a helpless woman. how is my verdict, dad? what did you do? - i shot mahindar.
where did you shoot him?- that's what i told you. it was wrong onyour part to do that. crime will decrease onlyif the punishment is severe. can you repair it or not? master! i think it won'tbe possible to repair it. huh. okay, i will take the bus. master, will you take the bus? should i go walking instead?- okay, master.
get the car repaired quickly.- okay, master. excuse me. will thisbus go to coimbatore? - yes. hello, master! - hello! hello! did you get hurt, son? i'm sorry. i didn't see you. first you push a personthen you say sorry. some people! he said sorry.what is your problem now? you don't knowwhat really happened.
no, son. please be quiet. i said i didn't see you.i'm very sorry. hello, master!- hello! hello! sit down. hello, master! - hello! sit down. so, uncle!how are you? - i'm fine, master. i'm getting my daughter married. i will come home togive you the invite. - oh! please do come. - don't worry.
everything will go well.- thank you. yes, hello! excuse me. please tellme when coimbatore comes. i will get down here, master.- okay, go ahead. uncle! your bag. oh dear! what happened? sorry. are you happy now?i fell. i fell down. are you happy? actually i unknowingly..
no, i hurt you withmy hand unknowingly. but you put your footin my way on purpose. i didn't do it on purpose. i know you will say that. but i also know that youdid it on purpose. to take revenge. i forgot about that long back. please don't misunderstand me. hmm. i perfectly understand you.you are wrong. no, i.. - you are wrong.
you are wrong. oh god! he clutteredthe whole drawer. crazy! crazy fellow! he shouldn't have leftthat crazy man so easily. i should've told dad earlier. he should've slappedthat man in the bus. he should've apologized to dad. why are you so worried? yes, i'm worried.i can't help worrying..
..if something wronghappens with my dad. my dad is very important to me. my dad is everything to me. okay, dear. you are right. you are getting late foryour college. will you please go? oh god! please help me. oh god! please help me.please help me. please save me from this danger.
help me, god. save me. help me. help me. oh god! please help me. excus.. look at her. people travelingin cars are so arrogant. no, no, not everyone is like that. sometimes you meet good people too. my dear princess!is this the effect of yesterday's..
..religious lecturethat came on sun tv? no, no, i was on my way.. ..when i saw a carspeeding towards me. i was very scared thatit will splash muddy water on me. but the car justpassed me without.. ..splashing a single drop on me. wow! after seeingour miss universe.. ..he drove the car veryslowly without splashing any mud. he is such a gentleman.
don't scream. what is she doing here? 4440? excuse me. it is definitely 4440. my heart just stoppedafter seeing you. just one glance at youand my whole world stopped. my heart became restlessafter seeing you. my heart just meltedaway with love.
something somethingis happening in my heart. my heart is racing to love you. hello! what is it? - hi! how are you? wait a minute.i don't know who you are.. ..what you want or whatyou are saying. who are you? you are 4440, aren't you? 4440? - oh, i'm sorry.didn't you recognize me, sir? do you remember that day..
..you drove the car withouthitting me with the car.. ..oh sorry, without splashingmuddy water on me.. what am i blabbering?sir, actually.. what are you talking about? what car? what muddy water? what? did you forgetit so soon, sir? didn't you wave your hand? i told you. i don't know you. is this how you talk to a stranger?
disgusting! as soon as yousee a man in stylish clothes.. ..you come running to him.. ..saying that i met youthere and you saw me there. you are joking, right?i'm not that type of girl. really. what do you want now? don't you really remember me, sir? yes, this is my car.i was the one that drove.. ..without splashing water on you.what now? oh dear! why did i invitethis trouble into my life?
if i had known about this,i would have.. ..splashed muddywater on you that day. why are you saying that, sir? i came here with adifferent purpose and.. ..you are sayingsuch mean things to me. what do you want to do now? i just want to thank you. is that it? - yes. okay, go ahead.- thousands of thanks.
thousands of thanks? - yes. millions of thanks. - hmm? what else? - that's all. then go. hmm. he is such an arrogant man. thousands of thanks. hey! hey!what were you thinking about? i know. i know.you were thinking about that girl. who? me?she would be thinking of me.
lies don't suit you. i'm telling you the truth.she would be thinking of me.. ..or at least talking about me. yes. 4440. i saw him. what? you saw him? tell us what happened. ‘kaushalya! they will laughat you if you tell them the truth.' ‘tell them the exact oppositeof what actually happened.' ‘don't miss this chance.make it very interesting.
hey! tell us! you won't believe me if i tell you. you will believe it onlyif you see it with my eyes. then you will ask me where he is.. suresh! where did youmeet her and what did you say? i see her every dayat the same bus stop. when i looked at her whilei was talking on the phone.. ..i saw her comingrunning towards me. then what happened?
i was very shocked. everybody was lookingand he came to me.. ..as if he knows me very well. he stood very close to me. what did he say aftercoming close to you? can you tell me your hobbies? smoking cigarettes, drinkingalcohol, flirting with girls.. ..i don't like any of these. he put his hand onmy head and took an oath.
i didn't ask himany of these details. please don't mind.but i want to ask you something. when will you wear such dresses? sometimes modern clothes. i don't really like wearinga watch, chain, ring.. ..or cooling glasses.i'm very simple. he was literally begging me. but why was he begging you? why? to thank me.
she wanted to thank mefor driving the car without.. ..splashing muddywater on her that day. i said alright,thank me and be on your way. he immediately turned towards me. then she came close to me. then he started shivering. i became really tenseafter seeing that. my hands and legs started shaking. she came even closer to me.
i was afraid of whathe might do to me. then all of a sudden,like a crazy woman she.. what did she do next? he hugged me and kissed me. really? - yes. why? - yes. of course i asked him.then he said.. this is how we thank in our village.- interesting. stop it! grandma! grandpa! auntie! uncle!
grandma! grandpa! everyone come out and see this! they are lightingfire-crackers here. auntie, hurry up! come! why do i hear fire-crackersat this hour? - who is doing it? who is lighting fire-crackers?- oh dear! find out who is lightingthese fire-crackers. who is it? - don't standhere and ask questions. go find out who islighting the fire-crackers.
grandpa!- oh god! please go stop them. i might go deaf very soon. - oh no! yeah! - huh? grandma!grandpa! did you get scared? this is kaushalya!- this is our kaushalya! yeah! looks like someone lightedfire-crackers in the house. who lit these fire-crackers? mom! - yes?
who lit these fire-crackers?who did it? kaushalya came home. kaushalya? - yes. kaushi! - who is she? my relative's daughter.she lives here in coimbatore. she came home. oh! you lit fire-crackersto welcome her? yes. that crazy girllit these fire-crackers. we didn't do it. - what?
yes, she lit them herselfand came out laughing at us. huh? she lit fire-crackersfor herself? very interesting. no, you can't catch me.you can't catch me. no, wait.wait. wait a minute, neelu. neelu! splash girl? i'm imagining things. what if it is true? no, it can't be. - oh my god!
what's wrong?why are you both screaming? nothing.. he.. suddenly..i saw him.. i got scared.. i.. i got scared..- what? do you know suresh? no, no, i don't know him. okay. kaushalya, he is suresh. i know. - you know? how? no, no, you introduced him,right? - hey! suresh, this is kaushalya.- i know. will you say thati introduced her to you?
no, your mom told me about her. hello! - hello! hello! i'll see you later.- i'll see you later too. over. you are gone.you are dead, suresh. you thoughtlessly cookedup many stories about her. you even lied that she kissed you. suresh, you are trapped. they both are talkingto each other. run away. that's enough. i'm on a diet.
8 to 10 fermented crepesare my limit, shankar. suresh! where are you going?- i'm eating. wait! do you thinkwe will snatch your food? come on, sit here and eat with us. don't feel shy, suresh. kaushalya is just like us.a very jolly person. i already experienced that. what is in this box? oh no, i forgot. friedpastries with coconut filling.
mom sent them for you. superb! thousands of thanks. what? thousands of thanks? hmm. suresh taught me that.- quiet. suresh! if this is herreaction about this word.. ..imagine how she will reactafter hearing the car matter.. geeta! what are you doing?there is no car matter. what car matter?- forget it. this is between us. please, please.- don't be tense, suresh.
tense? - kaushalya is our friend. what is the car matter? it was raining heavily.the roads were filled with water. the hero was in the car.i mean our suresh. the car was going throughthe water with great speed. there was a girl ahead. on one side was the car andon the other side was the girl. the car, the girl, the car,the girl.. what can be done? the car came closerand that girl became tense.
what would you havedone if it was you? - me? can't you shut up? - exactly. - oh. what will she do?the car is coming towards her and.. ..the road is filled with water,so she will stand aside. do you know what that loser did?- loser? suresh! is this how thatloser was standing? - then? then? the speedingcar slowed down.. ..after seeing that girl. what did the loser do after that?
she thanked me and left. what did you say?- she thanked me and left. suresh! the real kickis the way she thanked you. what did you say?a kick? - yes, a kick. as soon as she saw suresh.. ..she hugged him tightlyand kissed him. - oh no! ‘you sinner! you demeanedme in order to exalt yourself.' ‘kaushalya, don't spare him.get ready to attack.' you are shocked, aren't you?
yes, i'm shocked.- i was shocked too. 4440! you are dead. - uh. what else? - what else? that loser is followingsuresh like a crazy woman. she watches him from here,from there.. ..sometimes from behindand sometimes from ahead.. she became totally crazy for suresh.- listen.. i think her whole family is crazy. hello! - no, i..
sit down. - hmm. i kissed you, right? did you say it tobrag about yourself or.. ..did you say it becauseyou wanted it to happen? - no. huh? - i was just joking with her. huh? - but i'm very sorry for that. sorry for what? why areyou saying sorry to a loser? no, i didn't.. - you braggedabout yourself, didn't you? she will hear you.- is this a game to you?
no, i didn't.. - grandpa! oh no! please!please! i just said it as a joke. are you scared now? - yes. how can you say such big lies? oh god! such a big lie! oh god! how can you say suchbig lies without any reason? no, no.. oh god! i won't lie evenif someone pays me millions. if i have the optionto lie or to jump in a well..
..i would prefer jumpinginto a well than telling lies. it's not that.. okay. anyway,i forgive you because.. ..you didn't splashdirty water on me that day. now go. - the plate.. - hmm. huh? - go. pradeep, what is happening to me? i bought glasses for youfrom clarity opticals in erode. what do you say now?can you see clearly? - yes.
alright, i'm bored. entertain me. ‘i wish to live again today.i wish to..' i'm in a hurry.sing the song that i want. ‘munni has suffereddisgrace for you, darling.' ‘munni has suffered disgrace..'.now you sing it. is this your favorite song? yes, this is my favorite song.sing it. ‘ramba, ho! ramba, ho! ramba, ho!' you are very advanced, grandma.
‘oh dear! hush, my little girl.' wow! someone else startedsinging after hearing you. come, let's see who it is. ‘drink this poisoned milkand die soon, my dear girl.' ‘if you are born as anorphan in your next life..' ‘..mother earth will accept you,my girl.' ‘drink this poisoned milk..' ‘the one that is givingher poisoned milk..' ‘..you will now go to centraljail and eat dry bread.'
i've been noticingyou since many days. are you givingthe baby slow poison? yes, i'm going to killher by giving her poisoned milk. go ahead. i will make sureyou are arrested by police. oh dear! what should i do now? what the hell are you thinking,you old woman? what should i do now? you are killing babies?small babies? don't run! don't run!
he is not letting me kill herby giving her poisoned milk, sir. oh! dad,are you the man behind this? yes, it is our tradition to killa baby girl with poisoned milk. we'll be left with nothingby the time we raise her.. ..pay for her educationand get her married. get lost. oh i see. so you hate girls. would we have womenlike indira gandhi.. ..mother teresa,kiran bedi in our generation.. ..if our ancestors thoughtthe same way as you?
our prime minister atalbihari vajpayee has saluted girls. i say that girls arein no way inferior to boys. moreover, vijaykanth ips.. he is a man. forget it. i said it in the flow.. don't argue with me.it is our tradition.. ..to give poisoned milkto a little girls and kill them. i want to kick your decision. hey! - mr. vul..
village head!- yes, i'm glad you reminded me.. ..otherwise i wouldhave said something wrong. you can go ahead and givepoisoned milk to little girls. but let me remind youthat you forgot to give.. ..poisoned milk to one girl.shall i give it to her now? go ahead.who is that girl? how old is she? just 71 years old. that means she is an old woman. you are right.i want to give this milk to her.
oh god! oh no! drink this milk, old woman.die, old woman. run away! run away! die, old woman. wait. wait. let's run away. son, go back to america. let our village headtake the decisions here. who are you to say that to me? don't let this thumb go here.or else you'll hear a sound.
how can the thumb go there? here you go.- but i didn't hear any sound. you will hear it now, rascal. i expel you from myhouse and this village too. this is the decisionof this village council. my grandson is not going anywhere. get lost. don't irritate me. he is giving verdictslike a judge in the high court. the men that follow him are mad.aren't they, grandma?
son, did you reallyfill it with poisoned milk? stop it, grandma.this is not poisoned milk. - then? this is medicinal milkthat helps to alleviate.. ..swelling in the jointsand body pains. drink it up. i want to apply it.i want to apply it. why are you kids fighting? i have ten fingers left.start applying.. kaushalya! kaushalya! - hmm? i forgave you that day.kaushalya! kaushalya! - hmm?
i forgave you that day. your friends are here to meet you.- friends? girls named preeti and rani. preeti and rani? did you meet them? yes. i made themsit in the living room. oh no! i'm trapped. sister! sister! wait tillwe finish applying henna. - hey! hi, kaushi! - hi! hi! how are you? - i'm fine.
come, let's go outside and talk. hey, what are you doing? - come on. why did you applyhenna on your hands? is it a special occasion? no, no, the kidsapplied it on my hands. how is your vacation going on?- it is good. come on, let's go out.wait, listen to me. i need to use thebathroom urgently. let's go out.- what are you saying?
sorry, sorry.- what is wrong with you? ever since we came you'vebeen constantly saying.. ..that we shouldgo outside and talk. that's what i'm saying.let's go outside and talk. i think that man that kissedyou did something to you. what? a kiss? that man in the car. 4440. what actually happened?please tell me. don't you know the story?
you didn't come to collegethat day. i will tell you. okay, tell me. why are you stopping me?it will be fun. wait. why discuss that now?let's go out and talk. she is trying to stall the topic.tell me what happened. that 4440, he came closeto her when he saw her. do you what he asked her? he said ‘do you knowme?' she said ‘no.' he said ‘i'm the sameman that drove the car..'
‘..without splashing water on you.your superhero.' and you know.. he is the man that askedus to wait here for you. who is he? i'll tell you. the man thatyou were discussing till now.. ..the car man,the loser man, 4440.. ..is none other than me. huh? so sorry! - kaushalya! i just remembered thati have some urgent work.
we were going to leave now.right? - yes, let's go. i lied that i saw a whitecrow flying in the sky. you lied that you saw awhite crow flying with a child. what did you say? i never tell lies.not even for millions of rupees. the daughter of thetruthful man harishchandra. if i'm giving an optionto lie and to jump off in a well.. ..i will jump off into the well. there is a well nearby.show me how you will jump into it.
i've never seen sucha girl in my life. the word shameless isnot enough to describe you. you are the grandmotherof all shameless people. disgusting! hey! hey! what is this? oh dear! gross! i really love you. love? kaushalya! wait! - see you.
hey, wait! hmm. please don't come closer. no, no, please.. no.. time to run. your kiss. kiss me with love. kiss me with love on my lips. you too give me a loving kiss. i love your sweet kisses.
kiss me,kiss me and melt in my embrace. become one withme slowly and sweetly. you are the only one i love. my heart says this time and again. i feel very shy and nervous,my darling. my body is on fireafter you touched me. i'm incomplete without you,my darling. i reside in your heart, love. i started blossomingafter i met you.
come and satisfy your desires. take my hand into your hands,my love. your soul and my soulwill become one soul. don't trouble me at nights,my darling. the rain is settingsuch a sweet atmosphere. this rain.. this atmosphere.. my youthful body iscraving for your touch. i'm here waiting for you,my darling. suresh! what are you doing?
today is mother's day.so i'm wishing my mom. oh! is she your mom?- that's what i've been told. what do you mean? they've been showingme this photo from childhood. when i asked if she wasmy mom they would say yes. at least i have mom's photo. i don't have eventhat in my dad's case. i always prayed to god that..
..he shouldn't createany kids as orphans. keep these flowers there. grandpa! grandpa, what is going on? i see that the wholehouse has been decorated. is there a special occasion? prayer. for what? prayer for god's blessings, son. even if you don't findany flowers in coimbatore..
..you will find themeasily in our house. the whole house is infusedwith the fragrance of flowers. and the whole atmospherebecomes pleasant. we pray to our ancestorsso that everything goes well. this is my sister.her name is vijayalaxmi. she led a healthy lifetill old age and then suddenly.. ..one day she leftus to go to heaven. this is my aunt.her name is saraswati. she died as an unmarriedgirl at a very young age.
she is my younger grandpa's wife.her name is mandakini. she was very beautiful. mom.. she is like my daughter too. kaushalya! are you happy now? let's go. let's go. we should start the prayer. they are going to start the prayer.hurry up. don't shout. come here.
give it to me. why are your eyes moist, son? are you thinkingthat you have no family? our heart is the sourceof all our sorrows. if anyone asks youwho your grandfather is.. ..tell them that it is me. from today,don't call her sanjay's mom. call her mom. call her grandma.say that she is your grandma.
yes, son. and from today he isnot just sanjay's grandpa.. ..he is your younger grandpa too. all the members in thisfamily are your relatives. this is your home, son. are you happy now? now your mother'ssoul will be at peace. this is not a city,this is a village. you know about our family..
..but still you daredto act in this manner. such things are notallowed in our family. don't you rememberwhere you are from.. ..and why you are here? make arrangements to send her home. ask him to get ready. you have to leavewithin half an hour. if you delay even one minute,the auspicious time will pass. we've to talk to kaushalya'sfather before that..
..and give him the giftplatter to finalize your wedding. grandpa! i was so scared. it is true that i don'tlike love marriages. but if my granddaughterloves someone, i will like it. suresh! were you scared? i was just joking. brother? suresh! what brings you here? this is my friend's village.i came to visit tirupati.
what are you doing here? i came here for some work.this car was on sale. i did some bargainingand bought it. check and tell me ifit is in good condition. how much did you pay for it? 115,000 rupees. model? - model 98. is it diesel engine?- no, it is petrol. there are many littlethings that have to be fixed.
two tires are damaged too. the engine is okay. itis not even worth 75,000 rupees.. ..and you paid 115,000 rupees. what are you talking about, suresh? i already paid the advance. go and take that advance back. ramu! do i need to say this again? pick this up and keep it there. what is it?didn't he give you the keys?
master, i gave him the keys. then why are you here? somebody told me thatthe car is priced too high. who said that? he is a friend from my town. if you want to sell it,reduce the price.. - hmm! give me the money.- here you go, master. take this.you can take the car for free. you are giving it to me for free?i'm not a beggar.
hey! let me make this clear to you. if you don't take it for free,i will destroy this car. why was he talking like that? he was very angry. don't worry.he won't break anything. kaushalya! your father is here. dad is here? hey, suresh!dad is here! come on! hurry up! kaushalya! - come on!
come! she is my mom. dad didn't come? how are you, gayatri? welcome! how are you? i'm fine, uncle. - good. father! - come here, dear. mom! - did you forget your mom.. ..after coming to grandpa's house?
how are you, mom? - come inside,dear. didn't son in law come? why didn't you callup home even once? didn't son in law come, dear?- no, father. didn't dad come with you? he told me to get readyand said we will go together. he went out on some work. i don't know what happened there.. ..but he lied down sayingthat he is in a bad mood. i asked him whathappened but he said..
..you go ahead i won'tcome with you. i said okay. how are you, darling? didn't you ask him why he is upset? dear, your dad's moodsare always changing. i never know whenhe is in a bad mood. if i ask him what happenedhe doesn't say anything. if you want to know,call him up and ask him yourself. dad, i'm kaushi here. how are you, my dear? - i'm fine.
why didn't you come?- did your mom reach? yes, just now.why didn't you come with her? i.. actually dear, i was.. what's wrong, dad?why do you sound so upset? dad? hello! that.. that..that man is playing games with me. he constantly provokes me. he is giving me ahard time on purpose. i don't know what to do.
what are you talking about, dad? he is.. does your dadcare about money? - no, dad. that man.. that man said that. he humiliated me before my men.- who is he? that.. that sameman from the bus, dear. i should've.. i should'veburnt him to ashes in that bus. but i let him go. who is he, dad?why is he doing this to you? why does he takeup fights with you?
has he lost his mind? is he crazy? should i come there right now, dad? hey.. - how dare he fight with you? hey.. kaushi! - don'tlet him get away with it, dad. kaushi.. - why is he benton picking up fights with you? kaushi, forget it.forget it. - why? why? why are you getting upset, dear? i didn't want to tell you about it.don't worry about it. how can i not worry about it?
listen! sitaram doesn'tcare about money. i've taught a lessonto many such men. i gave him a fitting replythat was like a slap on his face. listen, dear! enjoy yourstay at your grandpa's house.. ..in tirupati. don't wasteyour time worrying about this. don't worry. i will comethere in two days. - hmm. look at me carefully, grandma. this is called skipping.now you jump. forget about skipping, son.
we are living onthe streets because.. ..you fought with your father. grandma,i want you to tone up your body.. ..so that you get a chanceto dance with madhavan. don't you want to do it?- i feel very shy. grandma, why did somany people gather there? yes, it is very.. come, let's go and see. yes, whenever we see a big crowd..
..we have to get a closer look.that's our culture. let's go. let's go. you will get married soon.now you may go, dear. dad, are you sittinghere to solve.. ..the kaveri water problem? hey! i'm not your father,you are not my son. get lost. i always had this doubt in my mind.our colors don't match. is there a problem in our family,grandma? shut up.ask him what is going on here.
what is going on? i want to say something. - tell me. last night the lord appearedin my dream all of a sudden. i have everything i need.the lord appeared to me.. ..out of his own will. - okay. four acres of land shouldbe circled in from the point.. ..where i'm standing nowand a big temple should be built. money should be collectedfrom the public.. ..and alcohol and goat meatshould be offered to the lord.
the lord gave me theduty to collect money.. ..and offer up things to him. how did the lordsuddenly appear to you? what about the templeand the school for children.. ..that are already presentin those 4 acres of land? i asked about it.i was told to remove the school.. ..as there won't beany buses going there. it will be an insult to thelord if we don't do as he said. yes, it will be an insultto the lord. the school should go.
you sinner! how can youask them to remove the school? i won't spare your life.- no, don't worry. just say yes. wait a minute. what isyour decision, village head? i can't take this decision. why, dad? our ancestral mug thatwas used to take such decisions.. ..has gone missing. - huh? i can't take a decisionwithout that mug. oh! i have only onedecision for the lost mug..
..and the suddenly appeared lord.shall i say it? say it. say it. say it. head! - call me village head. whatever. i will giveyou a decision right now. everyone move back.- oh no! run! run! run! you stole the villagehead's mug and named it lord? you ruined my business? - darn! the government distributescycles to disabled people.
you will get that cycle this year.- how is that? like this. - run! this superhero can't ignorethe future of small children. a tiger! my grandsonhas returned as a tiger! he will destroy his enemies. he will thrash them.he will smash them. he will break all theirbones and tear them apart. listen! listen! listen! arjun! is everything alright?
what happened? what happened? master! i think ourdog is going to die. oh no! arjun! arjun! who did this? who did this? someone hit him with a car, master.- who did it? sorry, i didn't doanything on purpose. the dog came in my way. you came in the way.you. you came in the way. this is the third timeyou've interfered in my life.
you feel like laughingwhen you look at me? my anger looks like a joke to you? you want me to shoutin my anger but i won't shout. i will chop you into pieces. look, you are mistaken. you are wrong.you are a bad person. everything you do is wrong. that's it! listen to me!leave before someone else dies. if i see you again, i won'tbe responsible for my actions.
leave! get out! be careful.oh god! little more, grandma.oh god! little more, grandma. why are you troubling her? please eat. here comes suresh.give him cake too. why did you suddenly bring cake? suresh! - she's givingcake to everyone because..
..she passed in the exams.eat it. - stop it. eat the cake. - okay. master! what is this cardoing here at your in-laws' home? master! this is thecar that injured our dog. what rubbish are you talking about? master, i remember it clearly. the same black car.and the same number 4440. the driver of thiscar hit our dog, master. i think the owner of this caris sitting in your in-laws' home.
feed her. - she will get angry. feed her.- feed her, son. come on, feed her. no. you know how to love him.. ..but you won't eat from his hand?go on, eat it. no. - why just love, we'llget them married too. feed her. he is feeling shy. what are you doing here? - dad! get out of here!why did you come here?
oh no! what are you doing?- get out! didn't i tell you notto show your face again? what's going on, son?what are you doing? why are you beating him? how did he come inside? hey! get out! get out! listen, brother!i brought him to see tirupati. you brought him?don't you have the sense.. ..of deciding whom to bring home?
what are you saying, son?do you know him? he is our guest. he is not a guest. he is a monster. what are you talking about, son? throw him out of the house!that's it! suresh! tell me whatactually happened, son. no, grandpa.kaushalya also knows about the.. ..car incident.kaushalya, tell them about.. kaushalya? how dareyou take my daughter's name?
stop it, son. he wantsto say something. hear him out. i don't want to hear anything. kaushi, i told you thata man humiliated me, didn't i? he is that man, dear. he is the one thathas made my life torturous. you are mistaken.he is a very good boy. he is a good boy?he is a murderer. a sinner. kaushi! he hit our dogwith his car and killed it. i swear, grandpa.i didn't do that on purpose.
shut up and get out! brother!- please don't do that, son. listen to me. i'm not a bad person. you are a bad person.get out! get out of here! brother, stop! brother, no! leave him alone, son! you can't make rules in this house.let him go. i thought this was my home. i thought you all are my family.
i was under the impressionthat i'm one of your own. we are your relatives.we gave you our daughter. consider it dead. our relationship of 22years has come to an end.. ..because of this dog here. i can't stay in a placewhere i have no respect. and neither can my daughterstay there. - oh dear! let's go, dear. you have managed tobreak my family into pieces.
i thought you are a monster,but you are worse than that. see the movie column. which is the closestone we can go to watch? there is news about abdulkalam in the next column. won't you read that? - who is he? that's true. give me a pack of cigarettes. superhero! - hmm? get me a job in america.- what did you study?
i failed in the 4th standard.- well done. there's a gatekeeper'sjob in bill gates's home. will you go? - let modi do it. you have a lot of si. - what is si? super itching. grandma, want a cigarette?- do you want a kick? why do you look dull?didn't you go for a morning job? you made me sit behindon the motorcycle saying that.. ..you are doing a wheelieand then threw me down.
you broke my back. my stomach is paining todayand he is not giving me food. food? you will goto sleep if you eat food. it is full of carbohydrates.i've made diet food for you. show me the plate. now look. will you feed me stones? - stones? don't like a manual laborer.this is called kellogs. say it. kellogs.- this is just roasted corn. correct. exactly.nowadays they are selling it..
..in a modern packet.it is full of proteins. the women in the citiesdon't have to work these days. as soon as someoneasks them for food.. ..they put kellogs insome milk and give it to them. now old people willhave to eat them too. say it in a microphone.everyone has to hear it. grandma, look! stop! stop!stop! hold on! hold on! hold on! you have a double engine.don't you have brakes?
did you bring all thesekids from tirupati.. ..in this double engine cart? shut up! these are my kids. your kids? - yes. if you see from above,this looks like a kids' fair. shut up! don't castan evil eye on my kids. my wife has gone homefor another delivery. what if something happens? - huh? she is pregnant again? - yes.
you sinner! your vehicle and home,both are overloaded. don't you know anythingabout family planning? our government has beendistributing contraceptives.. ..for free all over the state. go away. - why? the same governmenthas been telling people.. ..not to use thosecontraceptive methods. the government is tellingyou not to use contraceptives? yes. - are youtelling me the truth?
read it for yourselfsince you have eyes. huh? don't use plastic. that is a different plasticand this is a different plastic. get lost. the politicians of indianeed to educate them first. otherwise the population willgo from 1 billion to 10 billion. their mind is also like plastic. we can't change them, grandma. forget them.what plastic are you talking about?
how many kids do you have, grandma? i have 12 childrenincluding your father. it is too late. it is uselessto explain it to you, grandma. it is useless to putfertilizer in a barren land. in america, this plastic is.. did you see nandu? - heleft with his kids in the vehicle. his wife has delivered twins. is that so?did you help with her delivery? not just this one, i deliveredall her kids with my hands.
i will give a big prizeto these hands. lift them up. don't listen to him.he is very dangerous. shut up, old woman.he has returned from america. so he will definitelygive me a reward. yes, sure. lift your hands up. a storm! my grandsonhas returned as a storm! his enemies will be afraidof his message of death. you came here to meet me,kaushalya. i'm very happy about that.thank you.
i should thank you,suresh, because you endured.. ..all that humiliationfor me and my family. i should thank you for that. kaushalya,i didn't do anything wrong. i know, suresh.you can never do anything wrong. but your fatheris mistaken about me. be a little patient.he has a misunderstanding. he will realize it very soon.he is just like you, suresh. he is a good man.i don't know what went wrong.
everything has been goingwrong between you two.. ..from the very beginning. but my dad will forgethis anger for me. he never refusesto give me what i want. he will definitely accept us,you'll see. i need to tell you something,suresh. i want my dad and you too. i love you, kaushalya. listen! what are you doing?open the door!
what happened, mom? you went to meet him, didn't you?why did you go to him? listen! please open the door! dad.. dad! open the door! no, dad! no, please! listen to me. open the door. no, dad! please don't do that. i will never meet him again.i will forget him, dad.
i will never meet him again.dad, no. please, no. please forgive me, dad.i will never leave the house. dad, please. i promise you.i will never leave the house. i will never talk to him. master! master! what are you doing? i'll never see his face again. master! what are you doing? please don't do this, dad.- no, don't. please don't do it. i will do whatever you want.i promise you.
open the door. - dad, no. i will do whatever you want.i beg of you. dad, no. please don't do that.dad, please don't do that. no! dad, no! no, dad! master! come with me!come with me! - no! no! master! - no! no! master! why did you do that? dad! dad!
dad, i did a mistake.i will never do that mistake again. please forgive me, dad.i will do whatever you want. dad! dad! i swear i willnever see his face again, dad. dad! i need you. you are more important to me, dad.nobody else is. dad, i will do as you say. tell me, dad.tell me what i should do, dad. i will die if you don't talk to me,dad. dad.. i will die if you don't talk to me,dad. i will die.
why are you putting yourselfon fire for a mistake i did? put me on fire.put me on fire, dad. calm down, dear. you are my life. - dad.. i'm not saying thatfalling in love is wrong. and i don't want to stopyou from loving someone. but he is a bad person. he is a very bad person. and when you love a wrong person..
..your love becomes wrong, dear. forget him. forget him, dear. let's see what the newspaperhas to say, grandma. chop down the sardar's hair. there will be nothing leftif we chop down the sardar's hair. there is a differencebetween hair and head, sardar. why are you talking rubbish? hey, come here! what is going on?
they put a garland anda neck cloth in a bull's neck. did he win the elections? super subbu! this is ‘vatta kattu'. ‘vatta kattu'?- yes. - what does it mean? stopping the bull! - oh i see. everyone with agarland in his neck.. ..will take part in this game. the man that stops thebull will be the winner.. ..and then he canfight with the bull.
oh. then he will fightalone with the bull? how will he do that? they will release the bulland 10 to 15 men jump on it. so the man that getsthrown down is the winner. he looks very calm now. how does he becomeso violent in the game? first they make thebull drink alcohol.. ..and then beat it with a stick. this bull's game is not a joke.
you will fight with the bullafter making it drink alcohol? if menaka gandhi finds out,she will take it away. we will give it to herif she gives us a good price. oh god! the owner ofthis bull is a poor man. he has to feed his children.let it go. brother! we've been trainingthis bull for years. that's why this bull is strong. the man that stopsthe bull is the winner. men used bulls in olden days.
but nowadays we use more tractors. you guys wait for thetractor to come in full speed. the man that can stop itwith one hand is a true warrior. pradeep, stop joking. don'tinterfere in their bull's game. many things needto stop in our country. half of the problems willbe solved if we shut our mouths. it is useless to talk to him. our game is more important to us,let's go. yes, the game.the game is important. carry on.
you will not understandthe point even if we.. ..show it to you on a 70mm screen. what is this 70mm?- it is a big screen, grandma. how big? did you ever opengrandpa's ‘dhoti'? gross! don't talk dirty things. i didn't mean that.i'm telling you how big it is. let's go!let's go! hurry up! hurry up! let's take him to the hospital.he is injured badly.
what is this? why is therea big hole in his stomach? he got gored bythe bull in the game. his intestines came out.we are taking him to the hospital. you removed your brother'sintestines out for a game. go on. go on. he is wasting our time.ignore him. let's go, come on. wow! there's a dangerlight on your backside. the bull gored my backside. you ran after the bull,that's why it came after you.
the bull gored yourgrandpa's backside too. his backside?- and once in the front too. uncle? please come, uncle. welcome him. welcome him. hello, uncle!please come in, have a seat. please sit. what is it? why are you talkingto me like a stranger, son..
how else should i talk to you? just say what you want to say.i have to go out. don't keep the otherday's incident in mind and.. ..don't stop coming home. brother might have said alot of things to you in his anger. please forgive him. we all come togetheras a family every year.. ..and worship the planets. we have to do thatritual this year too.
please come to ourhouse with your family. i'm not a puppet. i'm sitaram. if i swear not to go to a place,i never visit it again in my life. i'm leaving. why are you crying?- don't you trust me? what are you talking about, dear? how can you say thati don't trust you? you are my life. sitaram's life. how can i not trust you, dear?
then why aren't wegoing to grandpa's house.. ..for the prayer? answer me. how is that connectedto this matter, dear? you refused to go becausesuresh is there, right? i'm your daughter, dad.i will go there as your daughter.. ..and come back in the same way. if we don't go there,they will blame me for it.. ..and i can't bearto take that blame, dad. we will go to grandpa's homefor the prayer if you wish to.
it doesn't matterwho else is there. you are right. it doesn'tmatter if there is a dog there. that is our home, dear.it is our family ritual. we'll definitely go. definitely. hey! call my father in law. son in law is here. welcome home, son. - yes. hello! welcome, son. - yes. okay. please come.
about that day.. i didn't come hereto please someone. i came to please my darlingdaughter. let's go, dear. hi, kaushalya! how are you? you know, yesterday sureshuncle showed us a cassette. it was superb. absolutely superb. we don't know how he made it.now that you are here.. ..you have to tell mehow he made it. let's go. i will come later. - let's go.
prema, go play.your sister arrived just now. please come inside.- okay, let's go. come on, dear. kaushalya! suresh unclegave this letter for you. look! sister is here!- hey, gayatri! did you read it? suresh, i don't want this letter. just open it and read it,kaushalya. listen, suresh! after whathappened, i never thought..
..that i will come back here,meet you.. ..stand with you and talk to you.. ..or that we will betogether here in tirupati. god has been mercifuland we have to be content. suresh! we have to becontent with what we have. we can't ask for more.we can't forget our family. please don't give me letters,talk to me or look at me. we love each otherand our hearts know it. there's no need to writeor read letters for it.
please read what i wrote,kaushalya. i came so far to talk to you.. ..and you are askingme to read the letter. is your love hiddenin this small letter? fine, then i'll read it. okay. kaushalya, i was so worriedbecause i didn't know.. ..if you'll come to tirupati or no.but now i'm relieved. we should stop seeingand talking to each other.. ..so that there won'tbe any problems in the future.
we will live our liveswith a smile on our faces. let's keep our love foreach other hidden in our hearts. my love is with me like a shadow. my love is with me in my tears. we've been separatedby little droplets of rain. we've lost each othersomewhere in the clouds. the little dropsof rain are shattered. just as the clouds gathertogether in the monsoons.. ..our destiny willbring us together again.
the day i saw youi lost my heart to you. what has happened to me,oh my darling? my body and mind arenot in my control, my darling. you are the moon of my heart. you bring joy into my life,darling. your hair is such apleasing sight to my eyes. you rule my heart, my love. my heart follows youaround like a shadow. i will be your shadowforever and ever.
my love! my love! where did you go? without you the nightseems much darker. there will be lightwhen we meet each other. flowers will blossomwhen we see each other again. my love!my love! i can never forget you. let me assure you thati will be in your heart. my reflection willlive in your eyes. my memories will bein your heart forever. you've been awayfrom me for so long.
when will i meet you again? i can't live without you.come to me. should i shoot like this? if you shoot like this,i will have to take you.. ..to the graveyardand burn your body. turn it around and shoot it. now see in the front.what can you see? a tree branch. you see a branch?
god, please forgive me. this poor farmer hasno other option left. okay, now aim it and shoot it. what is this?the tree cried out, grandma. i forgot to tell you thatthere was a man standing down. that' why i told youto aim it properly and shoot. god, why did you save me? i'm glad you shot therope and saved his life. why did you save me?
what were you doing?why did you try to kill yourself? i have no food.- you don't have food? you are a farmer thatfeeds the whole nation.. ..and you don't have food?how is that possible? the whole land has become dry. there is no waterto cultivate the land. all the wells and ponds are dry. we've had no rainsfor the past two years. and everything hasbecome so expensive.
so what? the pricesof cars have come down. cars can't get me pesticides,my friend. yes, he definitelyhas a point there. okay, i will give you an idea. why do you want pesticides? use cow dung, vegetableand food wastes as fertilizers. the cow will give dungwhen it will get some food. we will have vegetableand food wastes.. ..when we have food to eat.
oh dear! i'm lost for words now. okay, let me come to your route. do you drink alcohol?- he drinks one full bottle. how much does it cost? - 40 rupees. how do you know that? stop it, pradeep. i feel shy. do you smoke cigarettes?- he smokes all day. how much does that cost?- one packet costs 25 rupees. grandma! - pradeep,don't look at me like that.
i can't shut my mouth. listen, farmers!come here! come here! listen to this man's story.he is facing many hardships. whatever little money hegets he spends it on himself.. ..without givingany money to his family. instead of improving himself.. ..he wants to kill himselfand leave his family as orphans. tell me if this is fair. you have so many dear ones here.
did you share yourproblems with them? how many times should i tell them? i have told them athousand times already. yes, that's right. poor people. you don't knowthe right way to do cultivation. farmers like you make upthe majority of india's population. this land has been calledthe ‘farmer's land' from ages. if you had cried outas one united family.. ..many rivers would'vecome out to support you.
but you will neverbecome a united family. you are still dividedbecause of castes, religions.. ..professions,political parties and so on. let me tell you one thing. if at least 100 farmerscome together from every village.. ..you can easily gathermoney to cultivate your lands. you can fulfillyour wife's wishes.. ..and give yourchildren a good future. but instead of doingall that you sit and cry..
..that there are no rainsthis year and kill yourselves. give me that. now remove this noose and throw it. hey! - what? i thought i will listento your rubbish for a while. but i couldn't tolerateyour stupidity anymore. mr. village head! - you saidit correctly for the first time. okay. settle downinto your position. yes, as if you earneda lot of money for your father.
i will settle down here. idiot. son, you have openedour eyes with your words. we all will work in unity now. but you won't be hereto see our progress. what? what are you saying? i wanted to hang myselfto a tree or drink poison. since poison is bitteri mixed some color in it. and you drank it, son. sinner! why didn't youwarn me about it earlier?
something is wrong with my stomach. take me to the hospital. you let him drink the poison?take him to the hospital. take me to the hospital.take me to the hospital. hurry. oh god! take me on that cycle. no, he won't be ableto pull two person's weight. where is the hospital?we don't know which way it is. shall we go this way or that way? don't take me to heaven.
first tear thatpolitician's poster. tear that politician's poster? don't talk rubbish!tear his poster, you fool! selvin hospital! selvin hospital is this way. yes, it is this way. take me there. they stick posterson the hospital's board. they are determined to kill people. wow! this is very beautiful.who brought this?
suresh uncle! i didn't break it on purpose. it slipped frommy hand and fell down. i'm telling you the truth. no. you don't like him at all. and in that anger youbroke that flower vase.. i didn't break it.i didn't break it. it is true that i don't like him. but for that reason,i can't do the despicable deed..
..of breaking avase brought by him. you got upset when wesaid that you broke the vase. but you constantly accuse suresh.. ..of being a bad person.will that not hurt him? did you ever try to thinkhow he endured all that? whatever has happenedbetween you two till now.. ..was a misunderstanding, son. yes, son. forget everythingthat has happened. don't drag this matter.just forget everything.
let it go, son.he is a really good boy. give it some consideration. i thought about it.he is a wrong person. if you feel that i brokethis vase on purpose.. ..i don't care. he is wrong and he willbe wrong in my view forever. hmm? ghost! oh god! run! ghost!
beat me! beat me! beat me! pour this. but sir, this is ink. just pour it. come on. he wants you to pour it.just do it. why do you care? i'm going to select flowers. looks like you are very busy today. who is going to get trapped?tell me. tell me.
beauty. beauty. who are these men? they are volunteersfrom our village. during a horse race,when the crowd gets excited.. ..and comes forward,these men scare them.. ..and push them behind. and the crowd backs down. they get to see the fairand also do a job. how is it? he wet my clothes.
oh dear! he is very naughty. it's okay. there is one wellat the back. go wash yourself. okay, mom. hey! hey suresh! suresh! oh dear! move! let him go!let him go! what are you doing? rascal!let him go!let him go! what are you doing?
let him go!what is this brawl about? what is going on here?why don't you tell me? if you don't know anything.. what will he say? i will tell you. he was talking rubbish about you. it is true that youand i have some disputes.. ..but how can he saythose things about you? when i tried to stop him,he said he will continue talking. i said i will beat himup if he continues talking.
then he raised his hand on me. i couldn't let him get away.so, i punched him. son, is he telling the truth? open your mouth andtell us what happened, son. master! he is quiet.i'm sure he spoke against you. he is a very respectableman in our village. how can he talk against him? there's no use talking about it.beat him up and finish it. wait. let him go. listen to me.
move aside. stop it. you started beating himup before i finished talking. then what's the useof me standing here? that's not the case, master. our master is a pivotal man here. this man spoke against him.is that right? maybe he did a mistake.i apologize for him. forgive him.forgive him. forgive him. master, let it go.it is useless to drag this matter.
maybe he did it unknowingly. you don't have to apologizefor him. let it go. come on, move. come on, leave. let the others live in peace. you come running whenyou see someone in trouble. come on, go. tell me. tell me what happened. why are you crying? tell me the truth.
you went to the wellthat is behind the temple. then you screamed all of a sudden. i asked you what happenedbut you were silent. tell me the truth.don't try to hide it from me. suresh doesn't talk against anyone. he can never talkagainst your father. don't cover it upby taking suresh's name. tell me. tell me the truth. why don't you speak?
i gave birth to you.i know everything about you. don't hide anything from me.tell me. sp will you tell me or not?tell me. come on. look at this, mom. manish's son did this to me.. ..because of hisold dispute with dad. we will be disgraced ifthe villagers find out about it. that's why sureshhid the whole matter. the people at thetemple beat up suresh..
..without knowing the truth. master! master! let him go! master! master! master! master, don't kill him.your daughter will be disgraced.. ..if he dies.nobody knows about this matter now. but they will cometo know about it tomorrow. i beg of you, master.spare his life for your daughter. spare his life, master.spare his life. apologize to him. catchhis feet and apologize to him.
no, it's okay.what is done is done. no, it's okay. hey.. listen! i punishedthis dog for what he did. a wrongdoing is wrongdoingno matter who does it. i also did a mistake. forgive me. but you.. i did a mistake. forgive me. i'm askingyour forgiveness from my heart. just because i askedyou to forgive me..
..don't think thati forgot what you did. i've written it down onmy heart that you are a bad man. you can't erase whati have written there. and it can't be erasedtill the time i die. remember this. how are you now? - same as before. how many fingers are these? - one. these are two fingers.why did you say one? i can see half of everything,sister.
what are you saying?we've operated your right eye. what? you operated on me? i was admitted herebecause i drank poison. and you.. you operated on my eye? nurse, i had aproblem with my eye.. ..but you did anoperation on my stomach. sorry, sir. we did a small mistake. we operated on youreye instead of your stomach. you sinner!is this a small mistake to you?
what would have happenedto me if i was admitted here.. ..when my life was in danger?who is that doctor? pradeep! pradeep! where is the doctor? he is there. - there? eat quietly or i willgive you to this one-eyed man. such an insult!i won't spare him! no way! why did you hit on my face?i swallowed the thermometer. it will come out whenyou go to the toilet.
doctor! doctor! why, doctor?i was admitted for stomach ache. doctor?why, doctor?i was admitted for stomach ache. why did you operate on my eye?- is it? - yes. doctor! doctor! you passedyour intermediate college. your results are in the paper. no, doctor. did you passyour intermediate college now? sorry. please don'tsay this to anyone. i told one lie andmade one adjustment.
you also pleaseadjust with one eye. tell me this, doctor.can you adjust with one leg? why are you asking me that? just curious.will you adjust? you have to. adjust? oh god! no! there's no need to panic. i gave some advice to the doctor. grandma! this black personsitting here is my dad, right? son, you've lost one eyeand opened hundreds of eyes.
i'm a changed man now.i've donated all my wealth. i have one wish. i wantto click a color photo with you. there's no use. you willstill appear black and white in it. shut up. don't joke. listen to me. i want to visit all villageswith you and help people. my son has changed.wow! super subbu! super dad! munni bai will beperforming at 1 am tonight. people from faraway villagesare coming to see her. come and see munnibai's sexy dance..
why are you shouting in the mike? you won't get a single order here. let's go to another place. i won't do that.- then let's play cards. that is just a waste of time. i have xxx rum. let's have one peg. that just intoxicates the body. why don't you suggestsome other intoxication? i'm waiting here for someone.
if you look at her,your eyes will be intoxicated. if you smell her,your nose will be intoxicated. if she smiles at you,your ears will be intoxicated. what if she touches you? thousand volts electricity. who is that sexy woman? our munni bai. listen, beauty! come to me. give me a loving kiss.
water is leaking drop by drop. the clouds have parted. if you are with me, my queen. everybody will be jealousof your youthful beauty. your eyes are killerand your style is deathly. all the men are wounded. go away, you crazy man.i won't come to you. don't be silly.why are you acting crazy? i won't leave you.i will twist your hands.
i don't care if youget scared or run away. you can't catch me. i willrun away. listen, you crazy man. the rains are here, wet me,drench me. we're having fun of our lives. you sway and movelike a vicious snake. i'm like a lightening.i will make you pay. fall on me like i'm beingstruck by a lightening. listen to me, o you thirsty bee.i'm a crazy butterfly. come with me.don't turn away from me.
show me your seductive smile. i will make you crazy for me. don't do that mistake.don't be crazy. when the groom's parentscome to meet the girl.. ..for the first time,the girl's mother is very happy. but the situationis different here. give me the flowers, mother. yes, he suddenlybrought a family and.. ..made them sit in the living room.what can we do?
here, fill coffee in this. nothing is happeningas i wanted it to. brother is being stubborn. poor kaushalya, she can'tlive or die. she is helpless. i feel pity for her. here, dear. hold this. nobody wants this,but who will explain it to him? who will stop this? i'm an unfortunate woman.turn around.
what can we do? go. go there and stand. everything is fine. come here, dear. keep it there. take their blessings. may god bless you, dear! mother, talk to him.- how can i do that? you can talk to him. please go. you've raised girlin a very good manner.
she is my only daughter.we raised her with a lot of love. please have something. it would have been niceif you had brought your son along. we could've finalized everything. listen, we accept kaushalyaas our daughter in law. there will be no change in it. we will go home and discussthings with older ones. we will fix an auspicioustime and come here next friday. okay? - okay.
we'll take your leave now.- let me come with you. greetings! - greetings! i will see them off. wow! anything special?what brings you here suddenly? we have very special news. we have fixed our son's marriage.. ..with yourgranddaughter kaushalya. are you happy? - yes. who is he? - he camewith prameela to see tirupati.
this wedding will begrand just like tirupati. we'll take your leave. - okay. greetings. - come this way. okay. there are girls in the bus.take them safely. i will go home now.go now. you talk too much. go. master! suresh is talkingto kaushalya's father in law. i'm sure he is badmouthing you. i'm worried.what if he tells him everything? if the groom's fatherbreaks his promise..
..i will show them whatthis sitaram is capable of. please sit. - hello! hello! please have a seat. so, did you fix a date? no. we make plans butgod has other plans for us. i didn't understand. maybe we are not destinedto take your daughter home.. ..as our daughter in law. what's the reason?
every father has to submit to love. i knew it! i knew it! i knew that you were goingto say this. call that man. he is the one, right? heis the one that defamed my girl.. ..and made youchange your decision? you are talking nonsensewithout any reason. what nonsense? didn'tyou meet him and talk to him? it is true that i spoke to him,but not what you think. he didn't say anythingbad about your family.
i don't know why you are so upset. that day after weleft from your home.. ..suddenly my soncame up to me and said.. ..that he loves anothergirl and wants to marry her. what can i do about that? it doesn't matter whatme and my family likes. he is the one getting marriedso he should like the girl. i can't help it if othersget hurt or get upset about it. we have decided that wewill get him married to the girl..
..that he likes. the happiness of my childrenis more important to me. i swear. this boy hasnothing to do in this matter. i hope you will forgive me.i'll take your leave now. did you hear that?did you hear that? there is nothingwrong in what he said. those who love each otherdon't speak bad things.. ..to cancel one's wedding. let me make this clear to you.
kaushalya won't be happywith the boy you choose. it is better to get hermarried to the man she loves. this is my wish. in this generation, menblame others for their mistakes. but this boy endured allthe insults from the villagers.. ..and didn't saya single word because.. ..he didn't want to disgraceyour daughter kaushalya. are you upset becauseof his maturity? son, you say you kaushalyamore than your life.
what happened now? you finalized a match forher but they rejected your girl. where will you find anothergroom and how will you that? you are wrong, brother. you want to exactrevenge from suresh.. ..but you are exactingrevenge from kaushalya. if something goes wrong,you'll lose your daughter. you will lose her mother too. and we all won't bealive to see this tragedy.
i beg of you. sit aloneand think with a calm mind. ask your consciencewhat is right and wrong.. ..what is bad and good,then take a decision. what is the name of theboy that is at my in-laws' house? suresh, master. ask him to meet me. - okay, master. please come, suresh sir. i'm not educated.i don't beat around the bush. i'm a straightforward man.
i don't know why,but i still feel that.. ..you did something tobreak that marriage proposal. that's not true, i didn't.. i feel that. i feel that. and once i fix somethingin my heart, i never erase it. i don't erase it till i die. you are mistaken about me.i'm not like that. you! you came witha family to tour tirupati. you trapped a girl with your words.
she believed your wordsbut her father didn't like it. he told his daughter thatthe man she likes is not good.. ..and that girl obeyed her father. did she meet you afteri told her not to? - no. no, right? no, right?so what should you have done? you should've packedyour bags and left. you should have returned home.but you didn't. instead you settleddown in that house. listen to me.i will not get her married to you.
at least not in this lifeand not in the next hundred lives. why do you hate me so much? why don't you like me? what did i do? what is my fault? who is at faultin the fight between.. ..a snake and a mongoose? nobody. so what is the reasonfor the enmity? nothing, right? but still the mongoosekills the snake and eats it. so i'm the mongoosehere and you are the snake.
we will be enemies forever. i will be in my holeand you stay in your hole. you are the only personthat doesn't like me. you are the first personthat i didn't like. okay. i have understoodthat you are good. everybody in thevillage likes you too. i'm saying this to youfor my daughter's happiness. suppose i get mydaughter married to you.. ..for her happiness.
i won't be able to livewithout her after her marriage. she is my life. after marriagewe have to meet each other.. ..talk to each other,i'll come to your house.. ..you'll come to my house. we have to sit togetherand share meals. we have support eachother in good and bad times. we've to celebratefestivals together. you have to come runningto me if i'm in danger.. ..and i have to come runningto you if you are in danger.
i have to cry if you dieand you have to cry if i die.. ..but all this isnot going to happen. before coming here i didn'tknow what a relationship is.. ..and how precious it is. but now i'm starting torealize how important it is. i don't know if thisis going to come true or not. but i want to tell you one thing. what should i do to makeyou like me? just say it once. i will definitely do it. trust me.
i will do anythingyou ask me to do. give your life. darn! he asked you to give your life? who is he to askyou to give your life? how can anyone askyou to give your life? who knows when heor she is going to die? he is asking you to giveyour life but who knows.. ..when he is going to die?
what are you saying?please don't say such things. he is our son in law. son in law? first he needsto learn to be a human being. then he can become a son in law. if a man can't understandsomeone's feelings.. ..he can't be called a human being. you people neverget angry with someone. but today you all arecursing your own son in law. and i'm responsible for that.i won't be able to..
..forgive myself ifi stay here any longer. so, i'm leaving. don'ttry to stop me, grandpa. please. we all had such good plansbut everything went wrong. his anger for suresh is justified. kaushalya's love forher father is justified. suresh has a heart too. but nobody understood his dreams.what can we do? i wanted to get youmarried to kaushalya and.. ..give you both a happy send-off.
but god didn't giveme the right to do that. forgive this old man. please. don't be sad for me,grandpa. i had nobody. you became my grandfatherand grandmother.. ..and showeredme with so much love. grandpa, i'm leaving now.but i will come back. i will come totirupati every year.. ..whether the others come or not,grandpa. suresh! i will get your ticket.
the train will come there.wait there for me. kaushalya! what are you all doing here? don't say anything, son. i couldn't say anythingabout kaushalya. we can't live in peacehere if we send you alone. please listen to me.take kaushalya with you. listen to me.let me handle her father. run away with her, son.
this is wrong. this is wrong,grandpa. i will never do this. i can never do this. i found such a lovingfamily after so many years. that's why i stayed here till now. i can't accept this proposal.. ..without kaushalya'sfather's approval, grandpa. i can't accept kaushalyawithout his consent, grandpa. i'm sure i committed somesins in my previous life.. ..and i'm payingfor them in this life.
i was alone and yourfamily's love kept me here. kaushalya is yourfamily's happiness. i can't take that away from you. it is very difficultto leave kaushalya. i feel as if i'mleaving my breath here. i experienced so muchlove with kaushalya.. ..in just a few days andit is so painful to leave her.. ..and i can't imagine howpainful it will be for her dad. i don't want to givehim that pain, grandpa.
no, i can't do this. don't think that kaushalya'slife will be ruined without me. nothing of that sort will happen. she will forget everythingin some days, grandpa. his love for kaushalyais more than his hatred for me. good will defeat eviland love will defeat hatred. after seeing howmuch you all love me.. ..i feel that it isbetter for me to leave. i couldn't prove that i'mright even after all my attempts.
if i take your adviceand run away with kaushalya.. ..you all will becomebad in his eyes. i pray that all of youlive in unity after i leave. i don't your family to break apart. i'm just sad about one thing,grandpa. no matter how many times i tried.. ..i couldn't prove tohim that i'm a good person. he still feels that i camehere to break his family apart. he thinks i'm bad buti'm not what he thinks.
he views me as his enemy.. ..but i will alwaysview him as my father. but one thing will not change,grandpa. if i get married to kaushalya,it will be with his consent.. ..and until he..