in this video there i'll show you 10 epic diy clothes ideas which will transform your closet from plain and boring to absolutely stunning andunique!!! hey, where did you get your clothes? you meanthese amazing shoes, my shorts and shirt? i made them. yeah right. i did! i can show you how,come on! ok!!! hey guys! i hope you're feeling super crafty,because today we're going to be pimping up our clothes. i'm going to show you 10 epicdiys and life hacks on how to transform your old clothes into brand new pieces. and bewarned, because i went all out and revamped my tops, shorts, jeans, shoes, accessoriesand so much more. yes! this vid is also a collab with maddie from macerly09 channel.we wanted to get you guys all ready for summer.
so here you will learn how to get a perfectsummer wardrobe while maddie will show you a bunch of epic summer diys! make sure tocheck out her video – it will be linked at the end of this tutorial and in the descriptionbar. but now it's time to sort out our closets! so let's get started. first off let's make some super trendy patchedjeans. this is such a great and easy way to give a new life to your jeans, shorts or denimjackets. all you need are some jeans, an iron, plus some patches and optionally clothes pins.take your jeans and choose the patches you like. like. i wanna start with cherries and thisalien. place them on your jeans and cover with a cotton cloth. iron for about a minuteor as long as it takes for your patches to
stick to the jeans. how cute is panda?! omgi love it! you can find a great selection of iron-on patches on-line or in craft stores.the reason i am using the cotton cloth when ironing on the patches is simply to protectthe embroidery and to assure that it doesn't get burned. to finish off our jeans i decidedto add some pins as well. here i have a yummy lemonade and a delicious ice cream. the lastlittle detail is this pretty palm tree and my patched jeans are all done! i absolutelylove how they turned out. patched jeans and denim jackets are so trendy right now. i'veseen them everywhere this season and i'm not complaining cause i think they are very cool.plus they are super easy to diy! i got my jeans in a thrift store for five bucks. ispent a few more dollars on patches and there
you have unique and trendy pair of patchedjeans for less than 10 bucks. what a steal next i'll show you how to make this totallygorgeous donut floppy hat. i repeat donut floppy hat. i mean come on, if this doesn'twin summer's best accessory price then i don't know. for this diy you'll need a floppy hat,palette for the paint, acrylic or fabric paint and paint brushes. chose the color of yourdonut's glaze – i'm going for pink – and apply it allover the brim of your hat. youcan look up some donut pictures on-line for color inspiration but i think such pink glazeddonuts are a classic. it's time to decorate our donut hat with colorful sprinkles. starting with lime green, i am using a medium round
brush to make short lines allover the hat.draw the sprinkles in different directions to make it look more realistic. besides green,i also added some white and blue sprinkles for a colorful pop. yay, we are all done withthis seriously the most beautiful summer hat i've ever seen! a total cuteness overload!i think the idea is so unique and creative plus it looks amazing on pictures, which isalways a bonus nowadays. am i right?! i think so. keeping your head protected form the sunis so important, and now, that is not even an issue. i want to wear it on cloudy daysas well because it's just too beautiful not to! an awesome tie dye shirt using sharpies? soundscrazy i know! but wait until you see it. this
method is just hands down so cool. all youneed is a plain white shirt, some rubbing alcohol, dropper and sharpies! place a cardboardor a piece of plastic inside your shirt to prevent the color transferring to the back.take a bunch of colorful permanent markers and it's time to make some magic. i'm startingwith a blue dot. then i'm taking a pink sharpie and i'm gonna make four pink dots around theblue one. my third color is emerald green and i'm drawing four more dots like that.fill the dropper with some rubbing alcohol and drip the desired amount of drops on thecenter of the sharpie design. look at this cool marble watercolor effect! i don't knowhow to call it but isn't it awesome?! let's make another one. the more drops of alcoholyou use, the further the sharpie ink will
spread and the larger your design will be.i like my marble-y circles to be of a medium size, so i drip about 10 to 15 drops of alcoholfor each design. i'm going to decorate my entire shirt with the marble-y flowers. ifyou want you can just make them on a part of your shirt. maybe do like a heart or stripesmade of these colorful flowers. the possibilities are endless. the front of my shirt is allcolored, so it's time to flip it around and take care of the back as well. this techniqueof fabric painting is seriously so much fun. it's so interesting to watch how the dotstransform into lovely flowers. i've left the bottom part white since i'm going to cut itand make a cropped knot tee. take your scissors and cut along the masking tape edge makingsure that you are cutting only the back fabric
of the shirt. make a cut on the left and rightside. then make a short vertical cut on the front fabric like that. lastly you want tomake two diagonal cuts from the center to the sides of the shirt. voila our epic croppedtee is all done, looking fantastic, right? of course not! we still have to tie the frontinto a knot! this is why all the cutting was for! now that's what we're talking about! to makesure the colors won't fade away while washing, set the marker ink into the fabric by ironingit for five minutes or placing the shirt in the drier for fifteen minutes. anyway, whatan epic transformation of a boring white t shirt. i am sure you have some old white shirtsat the back of your closet. this is a perfect
diy life hack to recycle them. years back when i found out that laying orwalking on clouds is not possible i was pretty upset. fast forward to now, i am pretty thrilledthat at least i've found a way to have the clouds walking with me everywhere i go! thisis how you can make your own cloud shoes. take some white sneakers, blue fabric paint,palette for the paint, self adhesive paper, and a paint brush. first we gotta make somecloud stencils. sketch a cloud on a piece of self adhesive paper and cut it out withscissors. make a bunch of these - some smaller and some larger because clouds come in allshapes and sizes. remove the shoelace from
your sneakers to make the painting part easier.stick the paper clouds allover the shoes. i'm keeping mine kind of diagonally alignedbut feel free to stick them on randomly. after all clouds are randomly floating in the sky. take a blue fabric paint and start coloring your sneakers. to get a sharp and neat cloud'sedge always move the brush away from the stencil. this way the paint won't be able to sneakunder the sticker and cause a mess. when the shoes are completely colored in blue, we canremove the stencils and reveal all the beautiful white fluffy clouds. hello gorgeous?! let'sput the shoelace back on and we're ready to rock them. you know what they say. give agirl the right pair of shoes and she will
conquer the world. i don't know what kindshoes they had in mind but i can definitely see myself conquering the world with thesecloudy sneakers. they are just too cute! although i must point out that they can be a bit distractingin conquering the world because all i want to do is admire them and take pictures ofthem all day. tie dye shorts are very difficult to findin stores plus they can be pretty expensive. but that's not a problem for me and you guysbecause we can simply diy them. you need white shorts or jeans and tie dye plus some extratools. i'm cutting the white pants about half an inch lower than the edge of the yellowshorts. this is because we need some extra fabric to make them distressed. it's veryhandy to use a pair of shorts that fit you
perfectly as a guide. take your tweezers andstart pulling out some of the threads all along the cut edge. you can also use a fork,nail file or sand paper to make them all scruffy. when you're happy with how they look takesome masking tape and stick a piece across the shorts in the front and at the back. thiswill be our guide for coloring. start pouring your dye, mine is green, up to the maskingtape. the color will bled through - tape works just as a guide. turn the shorts around andagain dye them up to the masking tape.. time to take our second color, for me that's redand color the bottom part of the shorts as well. don't go too far up because the colorwill slowly bleed upwards anyway. in the middle
the two colors will create a beautiful blueand orange gradient. just wait and see. leave the shorts to set for about one hour and throw themin the wash. here are my shorts all nice and dry. i'm going to put on some studs to makethem look even more awesome. with help of scissors or a knife secure the studs on theback pockets. i'm using six golden studs designed into a little triangle on each of the pockets. we gotta add that little extra on the front as well. here i went for smaller triangledesign using three studs on each side. i am completely in love with these shorts. nowthat's what we can call an extreme makeover right. from plain white pants to totally amazingstatement shorts! these look so playful, edgy,
a bit hipster but most of all so unique. bythe way don't judge me. this is my very first time skateboarding so i think i did prettywell. most of the time. another huge trend right now are choker necklaces.i love how they look plus they are very easy to diy. today i'm going to show you a coupleof different styles and the first one is this cool charm necklace. all you need is a stringand a charm. cut about 1 meter long piece of string. i am using an artificial velvetlooking cord. take the charm of your choice and thread the string through the loop. totie the choker cross the string at the back of your neck and bring the ends forward. makea little knot in the front and you are ready to rock your very own choker necklace. youcan also simply tie it with a bow at the back
of your neck. make one for yourself or giveit to a friend. this is such a pretty little gift. i think choker necklaces look extragorgeous paired with off shoulder shirts. besides that i put on some skinny high waistedjeans and a hat to complete the look. it is broadly known that bleach we can makeour clothes lighter. but did you guys know that you can actually write, draw and makeawesome designs on clothes using bleach? this life hack is so cool and unique. take an oldpair of jeans, scissors, bleach, some water, corn starch and a plastic bag. i want to makedenim shorts out of these long jeans so i'm starting by cutting away the excess fabric.this time i'm making cuffed shorts so i don't want to cut them too short. when both sidesare cut, roll the edges up two or three times.
now it's time for the fun part – decoratingwith bleach! of course first we have to make a bleach gel. mix together half a cup of waterand a tablespoon of corn starch in a double boiler. constantly stir until the mixturethickens up and you get a gel like consistency. remove from the heat and add about two tablespoonsof bleach. mix well to combine and then pour the bleach gel into a squeeze tube or a plasticbag. make a knot and cut away the corner of the bag. our diy bleach gel pen is all readyfor use. i decided to draw a bunch of flowers on the shorts. first i made a little dot andthen short stripes all around to represent the petals. i'm making different sizes offlowers. first one was pretty small, so now
it's time to make a bigger flower. drawingwith bleach gel is seriously so much easier than i thought. instead of flowers you candraw anything else like hearts, aztec print or you can even write words. when you aredone drawing wait for at least one hour so that the bleach sets. the longer you leaveit on the fabric, the whiter your fabric will get. take a piece of cardboard paper and scrapethe bleach off to reveal the awesome white flowers underneath. how pretty! time to flipthe shorts around and draw a lot of small and big flowers allover the back as well.having a diy bleach gel is also handy for removing stains. keep it in a squeeze tubeand it should last you months. remove the bleach gel from the back of the shorts witha cardboard paper. throw them in the wash
and there we have our new totally awesomeflower shorts made out of bleach. i love how these turned out and i'm going to wear themloads. besides denim you can also use bleach gel to decorate colored shirts. wherever youapply it, the shirt will turn white. i paired my shorts with a white crochet sweater andsome sneakers for relaxed, casual but still very cute look. you guys know my obsession with galaxy – i'vealready done galaxy shoes, bag, nails and now i want to make galaxy t shirt as well.yep the struggle is real. but sorry not sorry because who doesn't like galaxy diys. i lovethem. we'll need a black t- shirt, masking tape, palette for paint, fabric paint in white,pink and blue and sponge applicators. lay
your shirt on a flat surface. place a pieceof cardboard or plastic inside the shirt to prevent the colors transferring to the back.i want to make a cool triangle galaxy design. so here i'm sticking three pieces of maskingtape to form a big triangle in the center of my tee. time to grab the fabric paintsand create our mysterious galaxy! dip the sponge applicator in blue and start applyingit in circles or half circles inside your triangle. leave the center of these circlesblack, because this is where we're going to apply lighter colors. i created an outlineof three galaxies. go in with white paint and apply it in the center of each galaxy.now mix up a bit of blue and white paint to
create a light blue shade. apply it betweenthe white and dark blue to help blend the colors and make a nice gradient. i like toapply a touch of pink in the center of each galaxy because it just makes the design richerand more interesting. ok, we're now ready to decorate this shirt with a lot of stars.with a flat brush dipped in white paint start making plus signs to represent the biggerstars. i'm drawing them closer together in the center of the galaxies and then less andless moving out. make a lot of little white dots to fill the space around the bigger stars.to make these you can use a toothpick or a q-tip. the stars really bring the design togetherand make it look epic! remove the masking tape to reveal our perfect triangle galaxydesign. so absolutely gorgeous, right!? i
want to make my t-shirt a bit cropped so let'stake the scissors and snip away about five centimeters of fabric at the bottom edge.there we go – our triangle galaxy cropped tee is finished and looking stunning! if youwant you can make galaxy design over your entire shirt. i however really like how thistriangle shape turned out. i think it looks very wearable, neat and a bit edgy. i pairedit with some high waisted denim shorts and of course my galaxy shoes. i have another super easy and totally adorableshoes diy to show you. sprinkled shoes! aren't these the cutest? and the best part is thatthey only take a minute to make, i promise. you need some fabric markers and a pair ofsneakers. all we gotta do is draw colorful
sprinkles allover the shoes. i like usingfluorescent colors to make my shoes look bright and happy. to make the design more realistic,draw the sprinkles in different directions. this way it looks like they were randomlysprinkled on your shoes. instead of fabric markers you can totally use fabric or acrylicpaint to draw the sprinkles. especially if your shoes are darker these will probablywork best as fabric markers only work well on lighter materials. voila, probably theeasiest diy ever, but still absolutely gorgeous. this sprinkles technique can also be usedto decorate shirts, shorts, school bag, you name it. at the end of the day – everythinglooks so much better with sprinkles allover, right?
because chokers are such a big thing rightnow i had to include at least 2 in this tutorial. as opposed to the one that i showed you earlierthis one is much more girly as it's made out of lace. to make it you need any kind of flowerylace, a piece of string, button, scissors, glue plus thread and a needle. take your flowerylace garland and wrap it around your neck to measure how long piece you need. cut awayany excess. take your button, thread and a needle and start sewing the button on oneof the lace ends. this way we're going to make a very neat and pretty button closurethat will make it easier to put the choker on and off. secure the button in place witha knot and trim away the excess thread. button is ready, now it's time to make this loopon the other end. you want to stick it to
the back side of the lace, so it won't bevisible while wearing the choker. take a piece of string, fold it like that and stick iton. wait for the glue to dry and that's it. you can easily make a bracelet in the sameway as well. just use a shorter piece of lace to fit your wrist. this choker is so cuteand girly. i am wearing it with a little lace shirt, high waisted skirt and of course mydoughnut hat. anyway, i had a great time transforming myboring clothes into epic pieces that i know i'll wear all the time! i hope you guys gotsome inspiration and will try these ideas out. with all these epic diys, i'm sure your closetis now totally on fleek. let me know in the
comments which one you think is the coolest.i really like the donut hat, but i think all of them turned out amazing. don't forget tocheck out maddie's video and subscribe to her channel. she makes beautiful diy and lifestyletutorials that i know you guys will love. thank you so much for watching, i love youguys and i will see you soon. bye! take a look at the back of the closet or takea trip to the thrift store. by giving old clothes a new life you will refresh your wardrobe,save a lot of money and help protect the environment. so... happy crafting!