![rspca injured pigeon rspca injured pigeon](https://news.rspca.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/gullfishllure.jpg)
highlights of the news today wednesday 13thfebruary hertfordshire crime commissioner calls bnpracist staffordshire police doubles child exploitationteam muslim fanatics use fringe stations to callfor terror, murder and torture only 15 of 200 foreigners who took part in2011 riots have been deported 74-year-old woman must pay 1000 euros to amnestythe far-left and the attempted assassination of lars hedegaardpope retires ten afghans killed in nato air strike-officialskabul urged to protect sexually abused children thought for the day – a dark side of england?and finally – a very wise owl.............
uk newshertfordshire crime commissioner calls bnp racistthe daily mail reported that newly elected tory crime commissioner for hertfordshiresparked outcry after tweeting hitler picture calling for socialists to 'embrace their innernazism'. dr rachel frosh who earns â£20,000 a yearhelping to run hertfordshire police re-tweeted “'dear socialists embrace your inner nazism',it said, alongside hitler image†and compared modern socialists with hitler’s nazis.after being forced to apologise to the quote ‘socialists’ end quote in the labour andtory parties she went on to say 'basically what i am saying is that any racist partyis not anything to do with any mainstream
party.'when the bbc talk about the bnp as far right it is upsetting to the people on the rightof centre as they are outside anything on the right.their views are unacceptable full stop.’ as part of her apology this incompetent harridantweeted “i‘ve just taken down a re-tweet about a comparison with socialist and nationalsocialists. i don’t agree that nazis/bnp are socialistsâ€â€œboth bnp and nazis are racist parties that should not be considered right wing or leftwing – just racist.†it appears this lady doth protest too much.a w@8 reporter states ‘ after all the bnp are the only party witha constitution that passes both the court’s
and ehrc test for being non-racist.and update: this woman has now resigned’ the bbc report that a rise in reports of childsexual abuse has prompted staffordshire police to double the size of its child exploitationteam. the specially-trained team is now 14 strong,with two detective sergeants and 12 detective constables.det sgt mark statton said: "we're increasing the size of our team to deal with those reportseffectively." stoke-on-trent-based charity savana took on255 new cases of child sex abuse last year. justine eardley-dunn from the charity said:"grooming and childhood sexual abuse is a bigger problem than people realise."lots of people don't come forward so we know
that for those we do know about there's alot of people hidden behind that." although this is great news what is worrying is therise in the number of abuse cases that are coming to light nationwide.what is most worrying though is the lack of prosecution in relation to reported incidents.according to the office of national statistics figures “over the past six years, 53,665incidents of child sexual offences have been reported to police forces in england and walesâ€and over the same period there have been 9,919 criminal prosecutionsâ€.this presenter speaking for profam the non political arm of the bnp says ‘this meansonly 18% of child sexual offences are ever prosecuted.how many are actually convicted?
from my experience many people are ashamedto be involved in these cases and they should be more worried about not being involved.no one can do anything unless these cases are reported and more importantly, followedthrough to prosecution. also if you note the main perpetrators ofsexual grooming, the muslims, is totally ignored’. food adulteration hits further suppliersthe independent reports that police and food hygiene officers raided and shut down thepeter boddy slaughterhouse in todmorden, west yorkshire and farmbox meats, a meat-processingplant, in aberystwyth, north wales as part of an inquiry into the adulteration of beefproducts with horsemeat. dr mark woolfe, a former head of food authenticityat the fsa, claimed that a major shift in
uk meat production, ordered at short noticeby the european commission, was at the root of the horse meat scandal.last year, brussels abruptly banned the use of desinewed meat (dsm) – the scraps recoveredfrom animal carcasses after the prime cuts have been removed. dsm had long been a major part of the supplychain for british meat products. said the move left suppliers 48 hours in whichto look for alternative sources of cheap meat. this forced them to look abroad, where supplychains were not so well regulated. even grand old dame, waitrose has been engulfedin the food scandals. waitrose has withdrawn its essential britishfrozen meatballs after pork was detected in
two batches.a w@8 writer comments. ‘i do feel sorry for our islamic friendswho may eaten waitrose’s meatballs, actually no more so than i feel sorry for the britswho don’t get to choose to eat halal killed meat’. accrington lancashire - armed asian gangsfight on victoria street two gangs of asian men brandishing hammersand knives clashed on the streets of accrington, lancashire as an argument that started inthe gym spilled outside. detective sergeant julie cross, of accringtoncid, said it was a nasty incident. she said: "the two men injured were in thegroup of three.
one was badly assaulted with a machete andthe other was punched. this is an incident where young lads havebeen out fighting in the street in the evening with weapons."fortunately no one else has been seriously injured.it seems like a bit of an argument that may have started in the gym.it's not honour based, it is not a community issue.but they do all seem to know each other. we are looking for any witnesses who may haveseen something on the street at that time to contact police on 101."muslim fanatics use fringe stations to call for terror, murder and the torture of gaypeople
hardline islamic extremists are using fringebritish tv channels to call for terrorism, murder and the torture of homosexuals.a series of little-known channels have been severely criticised for allowing ‘inflammatory’material to be broadcast. among the cases is an islamic scholar whotold viewers that it is their ‘duty’ to ‘kill those who insult prophet mohammed’.in another a woman presenter said homosexuals should be beaten and tortured for the ‘evil,shameful act.’ ofcom, the communications watchdog, found the stations broke the broadcastingcode by allowing the extreme opinions to be aired unchallenged.but the breaches highlighted fears that extreme muslim speakers, previously confined to mosques,could reach larger audiences.
only 15? more than 200 cases were passed to uk borderagency after ministers promised to get tough on those who were arrested over the lootingand arson attacks which brought misery to english cities.however, the vast majority have not been removed due to eu legislation and human rights lawswhile there are fears more will be given permission to stay.a nationalist spokesman stated ‘we know where our government’s priorities reallylie. they cannot be bothered to get rid of thecriminal scum who ran amok in our capital and other cities.’
european newsfrench mps approve gay marriage bill bill passed in lower house of parliament by329 votes to 229 and now goes to the senate. 74-year-old woman must pay 1000 euros to amnestyinternational for collecting petitions against mosquemaria frank, a 74-year-old woman, who leads an organisation called “association forthe future of germany†peacefully gathers signatures calling for a referendum on whetheran “islam in europe†centre should be built in munich.she is constantly mobbed by antifa, green and trade union activists, so her placardsare hardly visible. despite that, she has been prosecuted forincitement to hatred.
in rotkreuzplatz the 74-year-old pensionerexhibited a placard which among other thing said that after the siege of vienna by theottoman empire in 1683 ‘now “the arrogant turks and muslims … [are threatening] europeagainâ€. the accused thus established and suggestedthe reference to a war of aggression, at least “implicitly accepting†that fear of islamand turks would be generated, argued the state prosecutor.she thus disturbed the public peace. maria frank was given a warning and orderedto pay 1000 euros to amnesty international. she said she doesn’t like this organizationand asked to be allowed to pay the money to a charity for persecuted christians instead.the judge said no, it had to go to amnesty
international!in addition the judge warned frank, who has made numerous negative statements about turksand muslims on the internet, sometimes in a much more drastic way than on the placard.“you need to stop that and become aware of what is acceptable and what isn’t.†prosecutors wanted her thrown in jail for90 days for speaking out against islam, but the judge gave her 3 years probation and afine of 1,000 euros (payable to the muslim advocates of amnesty international) for her“hostile attitude toward muslims,†a charge that equals sedition in germany.a w@8 writer comments ‘sounds like the german justice system is taking lessons from ourenglish magistrates, maria frank is receiving
the same style justice as margaret walkerreceived in fareham’. the far-left and the attempted assassinationof lars hedegaard the participation of far-right groups in stirringup hate-crimes is rightly and often written about.less noted is the way in which the far-left demonises figures with whom it disagrees.among other things they have compiled a helpful list of a ‘top dozen players‘ in whatthey call their ‘counter-jihad report’. that ‘top dozen’ list includes the ex-leftistamerican conservative david horowitz, the dutch politician geert wilders and a numberof bloggers. it includes lars hedegaard.among the list of reasons hope not hate’give
for including hedegaard in their list is thefact that he is: ‘founder and president, danish free press society’. a nationalist spokesperson states ‘on thevery same day that assassins knocked on lars hedegaard’s door and attempted to shoothim ‘hope not hate’ were running a day-long conference investigating the ‘counter-jihad’movement. draw your own conclusions about whether “hopenot hate†is really “hate not hopeâ€. world newspope retires pope benedict xvi has thanked the public fortheir "love and prayers", as he made his first public appearance since announcing his resignation.the pope was cheered by crowds as he entered
and began speaking at a weekly audience ina hall at the vatican. he said he resigned "for the good of the church",aware of his own declining spiritual and physical strength.he held his last public mass in st peter's basilica, today, ash wednesday. ten afghans killed in nato air strike-officialsa nato air strike killed 10 afghan civilians, including five children, in eastern afghanistanon wednesday, local officials said, a toll that if confirmed is likely to raise tensionbetween president hamid karzai's government and u.s.-led nato forces.but 4 taliban insurgents were also reportedly killed in the strike.kabul urged to protect sexually abused children
radio free europe is reported that as thenumber of street children in afghanistan grows more and more children are exposed to therisk of sexual abuse. they cite the case where a 13-year-old boyhas been convicted and jailed for having sex in a park with two adult men, the latest caseof a victim of a sexual crime being punished in afghanistan. brad adams, human rights watch's asia directorhas said "when a man has sex with a 13-year-old child, the child is a victim of rape, nota criminal offender." human rights watch quoted an afghani prosecutorinvolved in the case as saying that the boy was prosecuted because he said he had consentedto sex with several men.
the men were also arrested and charged withmoral crimes, but the outcomes of their cases are not known.a w@8 writer says “this is what we can expect in britain as our muslim population grows.it will be the victims of the grooming scandals who will be sent to jail and not the perpetratorsif islam is allowed to dominate britain and europe.†thought for the day-a dark day for us brits.......welcome back to my listeners after our absence monday – but ‘honey, i’m home!my thought today is one of sorrow for the change in our very own british culture andour relationship to the animal world and those innocents amongst us, namely children andthe near karking in brigade, our own silver
foxes.in his speech in the se region our chairman nick griffin mep, highlighted the huge differenceimmigration and propaganda has made to several generations of our children and their expectationsof england – well where they are allowed to have them that is.i will talk about them on friday, first i will talk about our animal kingdomboth wild and domestic. there have been several hysterical reportsof man eating urban foxes and a poor little baby had his finger bitten off in the latestrant. now, firstly how come these animals get intohouses? in my knowledge of foxes they avoid houseslike the plague even in towns – so they
must be very, very hungry to tackle the unknownin this way. the rspca is coming under fire for suggestingthat people put out food for them and i think this is unfair.we waste in this country more food than we eat, so if there is spare or unwanted food,give it first to a food bank for the poor or if just waste food put it out for the urbanfoxes. i fed whole families of foxes and badgersin my last house for 15 years and i never had one of my cats attacked or had the houseentered into by an urban fox and more importantly neither did my neighbours with young children.if animals are forced out of their habitat and cannot hunt for food what do you expectthem to do?
not for them the local supermarket or gunto kill with – they have to go where they can and in some cases it is unfortunatelythe nearest completely open house with a baby alone in an obviously accessible room! we do not need to cull badgers – more diseases,both animal and human related are brought in by immigrants and migrants than badgersput together – and never checked, let alone rooted out and culled or rather killed becausethat is what happens to badgers for bovine tb the very sad fact is that nowadays we arenot a nation of animal lovers, we have become too greedy and to accommodating to foreigncultures and money to really call ourselves
that anymore.we are however a long way off from the third world and their treatment of their workinganimals. but we are almost as bad insofar as we actuallybreed good cattle over here and in ireland and send them overseas to be slaughtered bythose mainly of the muslim religion. now this barbarous practice has been foistedon the unfortunate farmers, who may or may not agree with this method of disposing oftheir young cattle – because of greed and desperation.desperation because our farmers do not get the sort of money they should get, eitherfor dairy produce, meat or arable farming from the kings of money, the supermarkets– who let’s face it rule our populace
with an iron fist.or indeed various successivegovernments. cows who are kept permanently either pregnantor lactating have their baby bulls killed at birth or taken away and shipped out tobahrain or some other god forsaken country to be butchered, and i mean butchered in everysense that word entails! there is a petition going around called adark day for ireland because they are shipping out live young bulls for slaughter to libya,that hell hole of islamic jihadism!. some details i am going to read you mightnot like but you know me – what i can stand, you as my listeners can stand.“the irish government has given its full support to the resumption of the live exporttrade with the agriculture minister, mr coveney,
describing it as “progressâ€.the re-emergence of this trade after 10 years would be a disaster for animal welfare andthe reputation of irish farming. the journey by boat from ireland to libyacould take 10 days – not including the journey to waterford port and the onward journey inlibya. animals suffer terribly during long journeys.but for these animals the end of the journey will bring no relief.slaughter conditions in much of north africa are frequently inhumane, with completely unacceptablepractices being commonplace. at the same time, ireland is currently presidentof the council of the european union and, as part of this role, they hold the presidencyof the eu agriculture council.
long journeys are stressful for animals andcan include: * deprivation of food and water* lack of rest * poor handling by humans* overcrowding * insufficient headroom* stress caused by noise and vibration and then the cruel slaughter procedure.......previous compassion investigations into slaughter conditions in north africa/middle east havefound: * animals being roughly – even brutally– handled * animals dragged into the place of slaughter* cruel methods of handling e.g. * the leg tendons of live cattle being severedwith a knife to control them.
now it is well known i am an animal loverand the islamic way of handling animals and killing them is abhorrent to me as i am sureit is to most indigenous brits and the terrible stories of the wholesale killings at eid arebeyond awful, even if you are not an animal lover or a down to earth farmer or countryperson. they are unnecessary and feed the basic darkside of the human character. and yet we in the uk and i am including ireland,send our animals to their terrible deaths alive!for years the australians have been sending live sheep and lambs to the arab states tosupply them with more martyrs on the hoof and we have been sending our cattle and sheepas well for these bastards to kill in the
name of an alien religion as for me they arebritish christian animals! we need our animals in our country for ourpeople, which is bad enough when you look at battery farms for chickens and turkeys– that have been forced upon us because of the huge amount of new people on this island.most of our food problems would go away if we left the eu and stopped immigration dead.by the time we had sorted out new anti halal laws and deported the criminal faction – wewould be in an even better state to overhaul our farms to fit a more self sufficient patternand hopefully a more humane and profitable one for the farmers. with the price of haulage and petrol, theseguys who would sell their own mothers for
money, must be making a hell of a lot of profitto cover just that, let alone the third world idiots they hire to terrorise the cattle andsheep in transit, and this is before they leave the white cliffs of dover or the greenhills of eire. it was in southern ireland i believe thataround 25 years ago when i was there, that ireland was the first country to host a halalchicken factory – because with the laws existing then in northern ireland and thetroubles – the muslims did not want to set up there.i was disgusted then and i am disgusted now at this attitude we in the uk have of puttingup and shutting up over what should be a subject close to any englishman’s heart – animalsand possible food!
i am also not one for the very upper classhabit of shooting everything in sight for sport, now if or when we are starving thenyup, it is permissible but to raise poor little grouse chicks in a small barn and then sendthem out for a taste of freedom to be shot at doesn’t sit well with me but then i ama woman, london born and an animal lover – so one who pleads that they are ‘country’born can rant on as far as i am concerned. talk to the hand this face aint listening. now the one person i know who was countryborn and shot at anything worth shooting at, shot a hare.it was only wounded and it in his words it cried like a baby, so much so he took it toa vet to treat and when it recovered, he let
if loose in the country and never shot anythingagain. a man after my own heart.on the other side of the scale i knew a fellow who had been prince phillips equerry and haddone a tour in northern ireland, to say he was damaged was kind, but he took his twoyoung sons out regularly into his mothers grounds to shoot small birds, not even theedible kind – why? do people think because they kill animalsthey are superhuman or very well bred? but back to the way we treat our animals – weshould stop sending any live meat or even packed meat to the islamic countries.they have enough money to raise their own poor cattle and sheep – and if some onesays they live in a desert so they can’t
what did they do before we came along withour purses hanging out? i will tell you, they killed camels.and i love camels, they are creatures of great character and if i win the lottery i am openinga camel farm along with a pig farm in wiltshire. one of the saddest sights i saw just outsidecairo a few years ago was a small open truck packed with baby camels, we all went aaaaaaah,until a seasoned traveller told us they were all going to slaughter – probably anothersodding eid sacrifice! our farming industry such as it is, is totallyat the beck and call of rich foreigners or the eu - and i don’t know which is the moredamaging to us or our country or our livestock. tesco and the horsemeat is just the tip ofthe iceberg.
despite the awful jokes, i have eaten horsemeatin italy where that seems to be all they do eat – passed off as steak and believe meit wasn’t beef. i also love horses, noble and hardworkinganimals that they are. it seems just right that the main horsemeatmanufacturer is in romania and it is called ‘roma’ slaughterhouse!and these are the people who we have opened our country to and who will flood in againnext year! thousands of uk horses are sent again live,to these places to be killed in france and italy.horses should not be bred for food, they should be bred for racing, shows and domestic use.horsemeat is yet another euro fad which should
not make it out of europe.i don’t know the muslim stance on eating horses but the thought of a large horse bleedingout, alive and standing does me no good at all.i also don’t know the jewish stance on eating horse, but tesco is jewish run and clearlyhas no qualms when it comes to making money from the eastern european market over it.apparently it is all down to the nasty eu parliament and their new rules on what weshould or should not eat. i received an interesting little tome yesterdayand i will read you a portion of it that relates to our animals and farming.it encapsulates how the eu has ruined or is in the process of ruining our british farmingindustry.
let’s face it the europeans have never hada good name for animal husbandry so why should they care about ours? i quote “eu grants are given to farmersnot to grow food while thousands starve and the uk government are told to stabilise themarket – which in reality is just for further total control and manipulation in their greedfor that total control to continue. eu fertilisers enforced on uk farmers whichare destroying our environment and wildlife which (i) was shown well over twelve yearsago from various farmers. the powers that be didn’t realise or careat the time the disastrous effect they would have on our humble bumble bee and what itwould do to our uk/world wide food chain.
those same fertilisers shown to me again bythose farmers deliberately caused foot and mouth to further destroy the farming industryso they can develop large battery dairy herds. it is well known main members of various governmentshave their own organic farm foods delivered directly so they do not have to endure whatthey deliberately enforce upon uk society.“ now the foot & mouth problem during its lastoccurance was supposed to be induced by the importation of bush meat into london, andwe all know nowadays that with airplanes, trains and illegal means of transport, people,germs and worse travel now at greater distances than say, before the last war.now the eu have made us throw away good fish but dead fish back into the sea thus depletingour stocks in our waters.
now because the french and spanish have beendepleting their stocks for many years they are whining because this has affected theirfishing in our waters ? dugh?what are we doing allowing foreign boats into our waters?we are an island and have relied on our waters for many centuries to provide for us not therest of europe. so the eu want to kill penguins because theyeat fish, so in truth the penguins can eat the dead fish thrown back, no need to killthese charming birds. the channel tunnel is another reason why ouranimals are in such danger, it is now easier to get them shipped abroad and also to bringin the third world workers who mistreat circus
animals and who have games of football onour turkey farms! close the chunnel or bomb it, i don’t reallycare! savage dogs have suffered a great deal fromadverse publicity. if you have a puppy from one of those breeds,treat it badly, beat it, lock it in a cage and don’t allow it to roam or bond witha person – you will have a dangerous dog on your hands.more often than not, some of these owners are not english and don’t relate to dogsas we do or they are just pig ignorant (only pigs are not ignorant they are highly intelligentanimals). they often have small houses, chocked fullof babies and kids, a horde of equally ignorant
relations and all mill around this poor untrainedand unloved dog – of course it is going to bite the first human who doesn’t beatit, that is in the canine nature. kids are allowed in closed rooms with thesedogs and the parent wonders why these poor babies get bitten or killed?it is the people who should have the licences not the dogs.why are we also putting up with dogs being maligned and in some cases killed by a peoplewho believe dogs are unclean? this could come to a neighbourhood near you!we need rspca inspectors just as we need immigration inspectors with greater powers to weed outcertain people and make the fines very, very large indeed, as we should do for child crueltyand elderly abuse which i am covering on friday.
it would seem that the great british publicare also on the receiving end of mainly islamic propaganda about animals.we are putting up with eating halal on a huge scale because most of us eat ready meals andtakeaways, pizza hut, subway and kentucky fried chicken are all halal.my point being in a country where islam is still in the minority why is halal amongstthe general population in shops, schools and even the armed forces?why are our children being subjected to eating food killed under a different religious belieffrom ours? when selling my house in surrey, i had a coupleof young sikh girls who wouldn’t come in because i had my three cats asleep in thathouse, they bounded screaming from doorway
to doorway in and out of the place which luckilyhad three entrances and exits until i, fearing that i would lose control entirely , toldthe estate agent to take them away before i killed them!so we have this odd state of third world standards being imposed religiously and financiallyfrom both inside and outside this country, we have the third world being catered to fromthis country and we allow third world workers to do their worst in this country and whois suffering – our animals, our farmers and our fisheries.and all in the name of ‘helping and feeding the third world’ which covers them in theirown countries and then they come over here as well.it is a double bubble of disaster and it must
be righted.we must gain our own culture of animals back again, or we will lose out, the third worldwon’t lose out, neither will the world of islam. we must stop people from breeding fightingdogs, it isn’t the dogs fault. we must stop third world immigrants from stealingour sheep and eating our swans – we do not do that in england.we must stop importing third world workers to abuse our animals and pay them for theprivilege of doing so. we must stop all halal factories, if theywant to eat muslim food, let them go to a muslim country.we must stop the exportation of our live cattle,
sheep and horses for slaughter in europe,arabia or north africa. we must stop the encroaching culture of islamand the cruelty to dogs, dogs are a man’s best friend not the method to bait and killbears by – well not in this country. we must breed more pigs, pigs are lovely,bacon is lovely and the mere fact that islam does not like pigs makes me like them moreand more – we must not let another culture decide who or what we like in this countryany more – we must stand up for our animals both domestic and working.we used to have the best reputation in the world for our animal ‘rights’ and we don’twant to lose it. and finally- a very wise owl.....................................florida motorist sonji coney williams was
alarmed to find a feathery stowaway trappedin her radiator after being flagged down in a miami car park.people passing by saw the great horned owl's yellow eyes peering through the grille ofher suv. she hit the bird 24 hours before and obviouslythought it had either escaped or killed. she said "i was driving about 60 miles perhour and the bird never moved. i felt so bad [for hitting it] but it wasvery dark and we didn't pull over." the animal was eventually removed by the florida fishand wildlife service. despite the ordeal the owl was later reportedto be in good health and its plight has caught the imagination of many online.a gif of its piercing yellow eyes blinking
through the radiator soon spread across theweb. this presenter says ‘ sonji isn’t likeme, i would have checked immediately i got home, poor darling stuck in a radiator grillon what must have been a very unwelcome journey. thank god for passer’s by, they have gotmore brains than this driver’. i have seen the video and it is a beautifulbird with lovely bright yellow eyes and the thing is it looks so calm and dignified’. you have been listening to the w@8.i am lynne mozar and i wish you all a very good night and a very happy st valentine’sday tomorrow – preferably without the massacre so guys bring out the choccies for us ladiesor else!.