liquid thc for sale online

liquid thc for sale online

alright! this is john kohler with growingyourgreens.comwith another exciting episode for you. today we're talking about organic fertilizers inplastic bottles. now, these are all the fertilizers that i actually own. they are from my placehere before i got -picked them at hydro shows and actually, i haven't used them in years.i don't know if they’re still good. but anyway, today were going to talk about, maybesome of the negative consequences of using fertilizers in plastic jugs. i've got specialguest josh cunning's of the boogie brew company to talk to you guys about it because, he'sa plastic nazi. josh: actually my dad is a plastic nazi. heraised me in an environment in england here he was like 'there's never going to be anyplastic bottles of any kind in this home'.

it was an interesting world to grow up in,you know, long before plastic bottles had become this ubiquitous in our society, myfather was raising me as an anti-plastic nazi; and my friends would come over to my houseand they'd be scared like, 'do i have anything on me that your dad's going to take? he'sgoing to confiscate?' so, that was an interesting time back in england. but i used to use alot of plastic jugged products myself when i first started growing. i subscribed to thewhole notion of walking into a grow store and being seduced by a whole sea of sexy plasticjugs, and their pretty labels with all their promises of plant glory. and over the yearsi found myself accumulating, just mountains of these plastic jugs, in my garage, in myrecycling yard, and it sure would fleece my

pocketbook, you know? and i was never surewhich products are really working, which ones are truly making marked differences, and iwould just keep going back and 'feed me more, what's the latest and greatest magic potion?'always in a plastic jug, always in a liquid-based variant of ideally an organic fertilizer.i hate to admit it but back when i first started, i was not even using organic, it was a gradual progression for me and for boogie brew, away from liquid based fertilizersand plastic jugs, and now to the point where we embrace a zero bottle nutrient programthat you can do yourself to grow like a pro, john. there's no need for any of this stuff.first of all let me tell your viewers, when you buy this stuff, you're subconsciouslysubscribing to the notion of getting your

pocketbook fleeced, and paying for nothing.and this is a huge corporate scam. john: but josh this stuff really works!josh: whether it works or whether it doesn't work, the point is, if you're expending ahuge amount of resources to the planet, to get this stuff to your garden, all right?it's absolutely ludicrous. and you're paying for water, and you're paying for the carbonfootprint, you paying for the transportation costs of it. a gallon of water weighs 8 poundsjohn, a 5 gallon jug weighs 40 pounds. now, when i see these trucks pull up, either tothe grow stores, or worse yet, in corporate america's parking lot, you know, the targets,and the office depots, and the safeways of this world, and pallet and after pallet afterpallet, of single use, plastic, jugged liquids;

either water, or other refreshments, all inplastic jugs. and a whole, you know, truck full of this stuff. it makes you stop andwonder 'what in the hell are we doing?' and what we’re doing is making ourselves economicslaves to a massive corporate scam, john, that's being perpetrated on this country fordecades now. and there was a time, and those of us old enough can remember it, when youwould walk into a grocery store and it wasn't just a sea of plastic jugs. nowadays, whatis the number one item you see leaving the shopping markets? leaving the stores of america?look at the grocery carts around you, next time you go shopping. and it doesn't matterwhere it's at, it can be at the costco, it can be at a target, at a walmart, at a safeway,or even a health food store, a whole foods,

and what's the number one item you see leavingthose stores in the shopping carts? indeed - plastic water bottles. the number one item.and this here actually is agave nectar, don't worry okay? but i made it look like oil toreplicate how much oil goes into one little plastic bottle of drinking water.john: no way that much? josh: yes! about 1/5 of it.john: but some of the plastic bottles use less, because they’re better designed.josh: some of them are using less material?! i mean come on give me a break man! i meanup to 20% of each plastic bottle, when you buy it, all right?-john: -that much oil? josh: yes! yes! i watched this -- there'sa wonderful man out there, i strongly recommend

those of you who are parent's and who haveany influence or clout in the schools that your elementary age kids are going to, torequest this dude, his name is mr eco, -incredibly cheesy, incredibly dorky, but absolutely adorable,and here's the thing, he's making an impression on the next generation. the generation thatare going to ask us 'what were you thinking? how did you allow this to happen?' and wedid. we've quietly accepted it. whether it was myself back at the end of the 90s, backwhen i decided when i was going to go be a grower and going to the grow stores, and buyingall this stuff; or even myself buying plastic bottled water. and you know, you see all thesefamous multimillionaire sportsmen, sitting around talking about their latest sports victory,whether it's a tennis star, or tour de france

bicycle racer, and they're sitting there withtheir plastic water bottle, in the conference room, -or even the united nations, who wetrust, to steer this world to a better future, and they're all sitting there with their requisiteplastic bottles. we have become sheeple absolutely seduced by this plastic nightmare, which isubiquitous, and upon us all. do you know john? back in the 70s, back in the soviet era, theywere producing one new nuclear powered submarine per week i believe, so they had a lot of submarinesall over the world, and the soviets decided that, -they noticed that there was plasticeverywhere, and this is back in the 70s, and they took water samples of the deepest, mostremote water kingdoms on this earth, underneath the arctic, underneath the marianas trenchin the pacific , in the most remote oceanic

regions of the world, do you know john, therewasn’t one sample of ocean water that the soviets tested back then that didn't havemillions of microscopically sized plastic particles floating in it? and do you knowthat we've become a sterile human race? we're rapidly becoming more and more sterile, andone of the number one culprits besides, maybe gmo foods, -we don't want to talk about thatright now, let's save that for another rant, is indeed the plasticization of the male reproductivesystem, of the female reproductive system, and the way the cancer rate keeps -- do youthink that maybe all this plastic that's in our environment now maybe has something todo with it? i mean how did we allow this to happen? this is disgusting, and this has gotto stop. and it's as easy as saying ‘no,

i'm not going to do this’. i mean, lookat these older water stations. back in the 70s they were pretty busy, it was a decentbusiness. you could set of in the 70s and as recently as the mid-80s, a water vendingroute, and all those water machines, most of them sit idle, you know? it's very rarewhen i go to the one across the street at the raleigh's, near where we have or boogiehome, that there is someone in front of me filling it up. but, all the time they're comingout of there with their plastic bottles, and when i see these whole pallets and palletsof them, all situated along the sidewalk, it absolutely makes me cringe. and you haveto also think about not just the plastic that went into manufacturing this little singleuse dose of convenience, for god's sake, but

you also have to consider the amount of energythat is expired in transporting this stuff, and the axles of these trucks, and the wearand tear that they then inflict. and look how many trucks are going down the road, andthe wear and tear that's been inflicted on our roads, and then more oil has to be usedfor new roads to be built and so on. all to transport these liquids everywhere. thesesingle use liquids that we one-time consume for the purpose of gratification. i have noidea what the number of bottles per human in or lifetime now is averaging, and whatit's going to be. this is all like a brand-new experiment in society for the last 30, 40years, but it's got to be in the hundreds of thousands per human being, and when youmultiply that by tens and hundreds of millions

of us, it becomes absolutely staggering, theproportion, and how we can allow this to go on. and you know these grow stores, i meani have a customer who, he's a manager of a grow store in the islands in hawaii, and hehimself purchases a lot of boogie products, but his boss who's the owner of the store,doesn't want them featured in the store because he's nervous that all these dried cost-effectiveingredients are going to replace two thirds of the plastic jugged miracle liquids thati'm selling, and the associated profit margins. the way we have placed profit in front ofpeople, profit in front of health, this is getting to the point folks, where we can'tafford to just sit around and be complacent anymore. and you should tell everyone youknow about this video, and about the absurdity

of the cost of what you're getting your pocketbooksfleeced, and then they inflict on the environment, and it's just people who buy this stuff, -weshould feel like idiots; we should feel that criminals. because that's what it is, it isa criminal and treasonous act to the environment, to our mother earth. like mr eco says: takeyour hands, hold them to your heart, these are the hands you hold the world in, holdit close to your heart because you love the world. if you love the world, get off plasticjugs now! john: wow. i'm not quite yet ready to getoff plastic jugs entirely, but let me tell you guys, i've minimized my use and, i consumemore than josh, but a lot less than most people. so as much as josh got you riled up, i'm hereto share with you guys some solutions because

i want you guys to be able to change number one: install a good water filtration system in your home. there's nothing wrongwith the water coming into your house as long as it's municipal water, there’s just somethings that municipality put in that you want to take out.josh: or john, or just go and use one of those water vending machines, i mean that's actually- john: -but then you still got to use a plasticbottle man! josh: you can get glass ones. you can getglass ones. that is a good point. it ends up being a lower cost per gallon than, youknow, you have to spend a lot of money on a home-based system to end up getting it downto less than $.35 a gallon, which is the going

rate for these excellent quality water vendingmachines. why would you need to spend more than $.35 a gallon? i mean why would you subjectyourself? my neighbors, i set them up with a water crock, and out of habit, it took thema full six months before they weaned themselves off the convenience of buying these flatsof the liquid water bottle; but they've done it, and they're saving water too, as wellas the environment. it's such a no-brainer john: yeah so i mean also, i want to encourageyou guys, if you're not already, to get off things like such as soda in single use plasticbottles right? instead go out to your garden, pick your greens, pick your fruits, and juicethem up, and drink fresh juice that you make yourself with living water. your health isgoing to thank you and so will the environment.

next josh, i want to really get into how somebodycan get away from using some of the chemical and some of the water based fertilizers thatare out there. so for example, you know, we got the 'grow more seaweed extract liquefiedorganic kelp'. josh: well yeah, i mean exactly, and so ‘ohdude, it's liquefied bro, well therefore it must be better right?’ they're actuallyselling that, that's a sales point, like 'oh this is being liquefied'. so, liquefied means,they're profit margins' skyrocketed, and you're getting ripped off. you can do 1/8 teaspoonper gallon of the seaweed extract, like the down to earth brand one, the maxi crop, youcan find the same stuff that they then reconstitute with water. everywhere this stuff is available,i mean not just from boogie brew, but at your

local grow supplies store. all you have todo is ask for it. vote with your dollars. say, ‘wait a minute, if i buy this, i knowi'm getting fleeced. sell me the dried version of this’. same with humic acid. you canget the water-soluble concentrated, dehydrated, humic acid crystals. same with the fish protein,the fish hydrolysate, again, we have like the pure pro-alpha fish, pure protein, badfish, those are the names of those products but they’re all -the key ingredient is awater-soluble soluble dehydrated enzymatically digested fish hydrolysate powder. it's cleaner,it's less stinky, less nasty to handle and use, than the liquid version. maybe it doesn't,in a big sexy plastic jug with a big label on it, but, what it does come in is askedsensibly priced ecologically, biodegradably

packaged envelope that you then can reconstitutein your own plastic container, with water, usually for a price of pennies per gallon.i mean, that's where the economy of our boogie brew compost tea comes into play. just a small3 pound pack which your typical grow store retails for $35, that makes 50 gallons. alreadyyou're down to $.75 a gallon, or less, of a world-class nutrient rich compost tea. penniesper gallon by the time you dilute it. and again, we wanted to sell value, we want tosell honesty. when you buy something in dried form and activate it yourself for penniesper gallon, you're getting an honest product. when you buy something in liquid form, you'resaying to the manufacturer, you're authorizing them to fleece you. you're saying ‘hey,i want to be a willing sheeple, a victim of

the system’. why would you make yourselfan economic slave to that system? it's time for this madness to stop. and what i wouldlove to see is for the shelves of all these grow stores to just sit there idle with thisstuff. and it's already happening right here in northern california john, and here’swhy, because the growers –it’s become such a competitive grow market with the legalizationthat's sweeping especially the west coast, you know, i'm talking about cannabis, andobviously, the profits from growing cannabis is what then dictated the massive price marginson these products. but it doesn't have to just be cannabis that's also dictating theserip-off priced liquid products. it's the same when you go into your average lowe's or homedepot, and a whole sea of plastic jugged products

sitting there, all in liquid form, and allridiculous carbon footprint of transportation costs, and all ridiculous profit, take for example like this vegan mix, which is one of my favorite all around topdressing tonics made by down to earth, this is the most expensive, like least cost effectivebox, and it's like full retail for $8.99 for a 6 pound box. and this has, all organic ofcourse, ingredients. it's got the soybean meal, camelina meal, which is a mustard flowerfrom india that they’re using to substitute the need for as much soy, because organicsoy is becoming so expensive. alfalfa meal, rock phosphate, langbeinite, volcanic ash,green sand, and kelp meal. and then 5% humic acids derived from leonardite; all in a sensiblypriced -look at this, biodegradably packaged,

dried powdered form. you know you're gettinggood value when you buy this for $8 versus paying for a plastic jug, you know, i've seensome of these so-called liquid miracle nutrients for as much as $150 for a 5 gallon jug ofthis chemical crap that is mostly water anyway, that you're paying for out of your rear's absolutely absurd. so you can take this product, pennies per plan cost, scratch itin as an organic top dressing, and then activate these pennies per plant cost top dressingpowder that again was already a good deal to begin with, and then activate it with ourpennies per gallon boogie brew compost tea, and do it all so affordably, and laugh atall your grow bros with their collection, their smorgasbord. every grower, includingmyself back in the day, that i knew, had a

whole mountain of this stuff. always turningaround, going back to the grow store, and buying yet another $60 priced miracle jug,and then wondering, scratching my head and wondering, which of these actually's absolutely ridiculous. time to stop! time to end this madness! and the plasticliquid madness! whether it's single use water or sodas, or expensive grow products, if itcomes in plastic, in a water base, you're getting ripped off, and worse, -maybe youwant to be ripped off, i don't want to be ripped off you know. i want maximum bang formy book. i bust my ass to make the dollars i make, you know, but even if you do wantto get ripped off, think of the cost to the environment. think of what the cost to createthese stuff. these disgusting plastic jugs.

and they never get fully recycled. i meanyes, they smash them down and make things like recycled buckets or make our roads outof it, but really, don't you think we should minimize the manufacturing of this stuff tobegin with? this has just become so ubiquitous. that's what kills me john. it's just become- it's what infuriates me. that's why i can't shut up about this, you know? this is insane.there will be a future generation, those kids, the ones that are watching mr eco in the schools,scratching their heads going ‘what were our parent's thinking? why did they allowthis in the first place?’ john: yeah i mean, josh is probably to oneextreme, and standard americans to the other, using all kinds of plastic; josh uses virtually[not] any plastic.

josh: no there's nothing extreme about notwanting to use this stuff. here's what's extreme, what's extreme is using as much as 2, 3 ouncesof oil, to create a 16 ounce water bottle which gets drunk in 30 seconds flat, and thenthrown away. that's what's extreme. there is nothing extreme about demanding the endof this stuff john. nothing whatsoever. john: so basically, what i want you guys todo, i don't know if you guys will be as normal as josh and not want plastic anymore in yourlife, you know, a lot of people may not be that into it. i mean, i agree with josh onmany levels but i'm not going to take my life to that extreme and inconvenience myself incertain situations, although i use glass reusable water bottles, and have a stainless steelwater bottle, and i teach you guys a gardening

method that pretty much does not rely on plasticwater-based nutrients, although there are some that i use still sometimes, that joshdoesn't like. but you know, life is not about all or nothing right? i want you guys to takesteps in the right direction and reduce the amount of plastic, because i know you guyscan do that. whether that means using a 5 gallon reusable jug to buy filtered waterto get that out. whether that means stop buying soda. whether that means reducing the amountof water-soluble nutrients you're buying in plastic jugs that already have been hydrated,so you're paying for 70 ounces of water that's opw - other people's water, instead of guys can start making a difference today. so want you guys right now to post down belowthis video to let josh know what you're going

to do to reduce the amount of plastic thatyou are using so he can sleep better at night, because obviously he's quite upset about this.josh: i want you to join me with this, we've got to end the use of plastic. i mean plastic,it's such a miraculous substance, think about it, you know. the miracle of creating thisfrom a raw oil product to begin with, and something that yes, admittedly, can be very,very, handy. imagine if we had approached this to begin with as this valuable treasurethat's to be utilized in true life - remember those stupid ads in the 90s? 'plastic makesit possible, plastic saves lives.' showing these babies in incubators, all right, nowthere's a sane use of plastic. i life and death situation. keeping a human baby i livein a plastic cocoon. or even maybe using recycled

plastic for greenhouses, all right. but thesingle-use plastic era has the end. think about all the creatures that are out therein the oceans that are regurgitating this stuff. you've seen all the footage in theocean movies where they show this stuff in the intestines of the fish itself. there'snot a single fish out there in the oceans that hasn't already had its organs plasticized.and every creature on earth has arguably been plasticized. and this plastic era, this plasticage, it's got to stop. please, get with me on this and be just as vocal and passionateabout it as i am because it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, and it's just time toend the madness of plastic, period, to absolutely minimize its use to less than 1% of what'swe currently use it at; to treat it as something

that we always should have treated it as - avolatile and potentially very dangerous substance that's now plasticizing the organs of everyman woman and creature on this planet, and to guide its use, very, very, carefully tocontrol the amount that's finally used in or society. it should be, like i said, 1%of what we’re using right now. come on. there is no need for people to be loadingup their shopping carts with yet more plastic bottles. it's absolutely absurd.john: all right, so what i'm going to do for you guys is actually, i'll put a link downbelow. it's a really good documentary on plastic. you know, i have friends who have actuallywatched that video and then they basically go plastic free or as plastic free as theycan. it's good to know about this kind of

stuff, and i want to include this kind ofstuff in with my show because it's all about the environment, and it has to do directlywith gardening because a lot of gardeners out there, -i know you guys are out there,-buy stuff in plastic jugs and this does not need to happen. if you want solutions, geta hold of josh and he'll tell you how to grow without the plastic jugs successfully.josh: tea and top dressings. all you need is a world-class compost tea recipe and thesensibly priced top dressing. zero bottle. grow like a pro. zero plastic nutrients. zeroplastic usage ever in your garden. you never need to have used a single plastic jug ofanything. and i will guaran-damn-tee it, the results will blow your mind.john: awesome josh. so yeah i want to get

going here. we've been on a rant so long.i want to let you guys know, i want you guys to vote with your mouse button right now,click the thumbs up if you like to hear josh's rants, and click the thumbs down if i shouldnever have one of his crazy rants again. i appreciate josh a lot and i agree with himthat we need to reduce the plastic. he comes on at bit strong-josh: -banish it. you've got to banish it completely. there's no room for forgivenesshere. take no prisoners! banish plastic, period. treat ourselves like criminals if we findourselves having to buy one unnecessary plastic jug. i'm serious. it's time to change. weare running out of time. it's getting crazy! john: all right josh, well i want to thankyou for having you on the show today and thanks

for being here and sharing with my viewersthe perils of plastic! once again my name is john kohler, and i'm going to get backto gardening with growing your we'll see you next time and until then, remember,'keep on growing!'

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