![injured pigeon rspca injured pigeon rspca](https://news.rspca.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/gullfishllure.jpg)
[music] welcome to fieldsports britain, coming toyou this week from kenya. coming up: i go fishing on a river where the eveningrise is spectacular. think you are pretty accurate with a gun?a maasai warrior teaches me how to knock down an antelope with a stick at it. first: i want to find out more about one ofmy favourite kenyan sporting quarries, the trout. in 1905, the maverick africa pioneer, colonelewart grogan, who had recently walked from
the cape to cairo, ordered 40,000 baby troutfrom loch leven in scotland, which he delivered to the rivers and lakes around mount kenya.quite an undertaking. since then, others have introduced other trout to the area. i wantto see what these fish are up to today, so let's start like colonel grogan started morethan a century ago. i am in the town of naru moro, just at thefoot of mount kenya at a trout farm. is it easy to keep trout here in kenya? yeah, it is easy, but you see this fish isa lot of money and most kenyans cannot rear it because is needs a lot of money to keep,money in terms of feed, in terms of workforce, it demands a lot of work.
is this the only trout farm? i think this is the biggest trout farm inkenya and the second is a government-owned farm. and are these special mount kenyan trout? yes, this is mount kenyan trout, rainbow trout,i'm told it is the sweetest fish around. this trout farm also has a popular restaurantand takeaway, located in a tree. it's on the trans african highway and worth a stop ifyou happen to be following colonel grogan's footsteps. in a hot country where the electricitysupply is unreliable and meat goes off quickly, the best way to keep your lunch fresh is tokeep it alive.
the biggest problem facing wild trout in acountry where the population growth is terrifying is pollution, extraction and poaching. thisis the naro moru river. i am less than 10 miles from its source on mount kenya. it istoo polluted here to sustain life and within a few miles it dries up altogether. but i am not here to moan. i am here to fish.quite the most stylish way to find what are left of colonel grogan's trout is by chopper. if you want to go helifishing on mount kenya,contact tropicair www.tropicairkenya.com i'm actually going to go fishing later inthe programme. first, it's david on the fieldsports channel news stump.
this is fieldsports britain news the us fish and wildlife service say thatcrushed rhino horn powder is now more expensive than the american price of cocaine. it fetchesmore than รข£30,000 per kilogram in asia, a price that threatens to wipe out the world'sestimated 28,000 remaining animals. these animals were filmed in lake nakuru nationalpark two weeks ago. since then, two have been poached. the south african environment ministry mayintroduce 'end-user' certificates for rhino hunters. it says applications for huntingpermits will only be accepted from bona fide hunters from countries that ensure horns arebeing used as hunting trophies, not traditional
medicines. it is expected to turn down huntingapplications from vietnam. back in kenya, a lioness was killed and dismemberedin the maasai mara area at the beginning of april. around 10 young maasai warriors spearedthe animal to death and cut off its tail and front legs as part of a tribal ceremony. rangersfound the trophies, arrested one suspect while the whereabouts of the others is still notknown. some 16 lions have been lost in the area since november last year, around 1 percent of the total kenyan population. no arrests have been made. the kenya wildlife service has released figuresabout its war on the trade in ivory and bushmeat, including zebra meat. in the last week ofmarch alone, kws officers shot dead six poachers,
including three in tsavo east national park.they made more than 30 further arrests and recovered five guns including ak47s, a g3rifle and more than 300 rounds of ammunition and poisoned arrows. a kws spokesman says:"the fight against wildlife crime continues." and finally, a hyena attack that injured threepeople who were asleep in a donkey cart in tanzania has been blamed by locals on witchcraft.one resident said cases of people being sent hyenas to attack them were prevalent. you are now up to date with fieldsports britainnews. stalking the stories, fishing for facts. thank you david - more english beech treethan african baobab. now, kenya may have an embarrassing bushmeatpoaching problem but there is one group of
people who are allowed to hunt. being a lion to leitato's warrior is strangelyterrifying and also superb. if that's how he hunts lion i wish i could too, but lionhunting by anyone except maasai is illegal in kenya. instead, he's going to give me alesson in clubbing antelope to death. first stop is the drug store, in this case a thornbush called acacia nilotica. we prepare ourselves to face the lions thatwe take some natural drugs and herbs. this is to try to check the warriors and to givemotivation to the warriors for then whenever we see the lions because, as i think you know,the lions are big animals, so the warriors also must have to prepare themselves for that.let's say we spot the lions in a specific
bush, then we start singing the courageousand motivation song, so the drugs that we have been using, the natural drugs we havebeen using from the bush, now come in to effect. also when you kill the lion you can also winmany girlfriends. you can also become an important maasai warrior after you kill a lion. also,you can become the king of that group after you have succeeded to kill a lion because,when we are in that competition, we don't point that so-and-so you tried to spear alion. no it's a competition where you all go and try all your level best, all your levelbest to spear the lion first. more than the other warriors. then that time you are declaredthe winner, and on that day we make a lot of celebration, dancing with our girlfriends,with our fathers for that day will be a big
day for you. i have to ask have you got a lot of girlfriends? yeah, me? now i have five girlfriends. perfect. did you kill the lion? yeah, i killed the lion. ok, so you are really on your way up. you can see also from the mane. in our traditionyou are not allowed to wear anything from the lion if you are not the killer of thelion. i feel a bit like the 1960s british politicianwho goes on television to take lsd: "it's
not doing much more for me than a glass ofgood claret". next, i have a lesson in how to use the throwing stick. first you balance the stick in your hand.leitato shows me foot position that is just like using a shotgun. and like a double-barrelled12-bore, leitato recommends carrying two sticks. he shows just how lethal sticks can be whenhe aims at his maasai robe or 'shukar'. my attempt wouldn't knock down a small rat - buti'm learning. now the exciting bit - the hunting, thoughfor leitato this is no more than pest control. eating game meat is taboo for the maasai.he feeds it to his dogs. normally leitato uses his stick with deadlyeffect on game and small animals that come
to close while he is cattle herding. thismorning we are going to see what we can walk up. lurking in the thorn bushes is a dikdik,one of kenyan's smallest antelope. a group of children have seen it. leitato at onceenlists them as beaters. they start at one end of the scrub and thorn while we wait atthe other. leitato is not convinced that the animal is still there, so we soon call themoff. the next animals to cross our path is a largefamily of mongoose. leitato is quick on his toes. we are not short of game here, but it allseems to have learnt the effective range of a stick. first we sneak up on more dikdik.another couple of hundred yards and there
is an impala. the animal crossings over the muddy streambeds show the numbers of game here. and the drugs are still working. leitato'sshot at a giraffe is ambitious. at the end of the walk round, it has beenfun but leitato's dogs will go hungry. i have to ask him whether he reckons people likeme will be able to go hunting in kenya. what do you think about tourists coming hereto hunt? do you think that would work or not work in kenya? no, i think that one will not work here inkenya. it works everywhere else.
yes, but here in kenya no, not allowed. it's not allowed, but could it work? you get 12,000 dollars for a buffalo and youhave got herds of 400 buffalo out there. no, we don't want that. me i can say yes,that one is not good, because it will not work. it's been fascinating and i am glad i havelearnt a new skill to add to my armoury. look out the rabbits back at home. for leitato, it is all about cattle and thedefence of cattle, before you ask him to defend your herd the maasai belief set is that theirgod says they own all the cattle in the world.
can be a drawback. now, i'm off to the bush to go fishing. we are after mud fish, which is appropriate,because recent rains have coloured the telek river here in the maasai mara. my guide reubenis not confident about our chances. reuben is using the time-honoured method ofstick, string and hook with meat on. fishing here has its dangers. more peopledie in africa from attacks by these guys than any other mammal bar humans. here's half the reason it's not easy to catchfish here. the other half is the recent rains, making the river too muddy to catch mudfish.the mud also makes it hard to drive from river
to river. so here is a short guide to gettingyourself out of a hole, maasai style. all too soon it's time to pack up, leave thetorrid plains of the maasai mara, and fly back up north to the long, cool, english summerafternoon that is mount kenya and the aberdares. for colonel grogan's trout, you pays yourmoney and you takes your choice. either it's a long walk or a helicopter up mount kenyawhere you can be in with the chance of a 20lber. or you do what i do, pay 50 us dollars fora park ticket plus 5 dollars for a fishing permit and drive into the aberdares nationalpark. the signs are good as i get to the chaniariver. there's another bloke fishing. he has an audience too. and there's that most discerningof anglers, a fish eagle.
so we are here, 10,000 feet above sea level,sweltering, actually apparently burnt out landscape. this more than reminds me of thebook salmon fishing in the yemen where they try and release salmon in to a yemeni wadi,but this is the centre of the great dream to bring trout to kenya and i am going totry and catch one. there are more reasons this is a special park.many of kenya's parks are open grassland. this one is high hills, forest and moorland.it is the first of kenya's national parks to be fenced all the way round, protectingit from development, especially the rivers which, like it or not, provide nairobi withwater. and the british know the aberdares best because 50 years ago this year, our princesselizabeth was here at the treetops lodge when
she heard the news that her father, the king,had died at sandringham. the fishing is surprisingly similar to fishinga scottish moorland stream - but the highland cattle are more deadly. according to one fishingfriend, the only fly you need is a size 8 marabou coachman, fished wet - that's an ordinarycoachman but tied with a white fluffy marabou stork feather as its wing, to give it an eastafrican twist. it's not as unusual as you might think. more than half the fishing fliessold in the world are made in kenya. visit www.fishingfliesandlures.com the fish are here, and they are beautifulto watch, but the water is crystal clear so i might as well be a herd of hippopotamus.
we fish for a few miles up the chania river- and then my local help hears something that makes him nervous. so we fish back down again, just to show wearen't afraid of old laughing-boy hyena. it is not just the hyenas that are closingin. the weather is too. i don't recommend you do what i did which was travel thousandsof miles from the uk for a day's trout fishing in the aberdares where you don't catch anything.but i did get to feel one of colonel grogan's loch leven trout on the end of my line andthat is worth the visit. now it's time to slip away from kenya andhead for wales where team wild tv is hunting goats in the mountains.
[roar of stag] we're in snowdonia, north wales. it's phasetwo of my goal to get some of the uk's biggest trophy specimens. we've come to this stunningpart of the country for goats, big goats. guiding me today is owen beardsmore of cervusuk who is pretty grateful we weren't here earlier in the week. did you hear what the farmer was saying? lastweek they had all the snow up here and we have had three days of horrendous rain andthis is the first decent day. you're a decent outfitter so i knew you wouldget it organised. not often i can prescribe good weather, butlet's hope we've got some today.
we head up the valley from where we are goingto have to walk, probably vertically and possibly for quite a while. we scan the welsh mountainsand owen tells me a little bit more about these hardy feral animals. it's a feral goat and has been at libertyfor over 100 years. there's quite a few stories about how they got here: they escaped froma farm, they were let go from a farm originally, and the area we're in there's about 250 ofwhich we're looking for a good quality representative old billy which hopefully sometime duringtoday we will be able to find. as long as the weather doesn't come in we should be ok. they seem to be mixing. there are a lot ofsheep here as well. they seem to co-habit
quite peacefully then? yes, they keep themselves to themselves. thesheep don't cause any damage. they are meant to be here. they belong to the farms. thegoats stay on the tops in the summer and then come down in the winter and that's when theycause all the damage. the numbers are controlled to protect grazingand to reduce the amount of damage to the dividing dry stone walls. all you need isa herd of goats jumping the wall in the same spot and suddenly the whole lot comes down.for this special quarry species i've brought something a little bit special. ok we're up in the welsh hills, what toy haveyou brought to play with this time?
ok. don't be scared, ok? this is a haenelrs8 sniper rifle. now you did tell me we could be shooting over reasonably long distancesso i said to my friends at viking arms who normally send me ruger rifles and merkel riflesthat i might need something with a little bit extra legs, so they said they had justthe thing for me. so what do you think to that? it is 5.8kg unscoped and then zeissvery kindly sent me the largest scope in the history of the world which is this. that is a large one. zeiss victory diavari fl 6-24x72 which alsolooks as though it weighs about 5kg on its own.
i've got a cunning plan. we'll spot the goatsat about 100 metres, drop back to about 400 and you can shoot it, ok? ok. well hopefully we are going to get asclose as we can, as we do like to make sure of our kills. it's not what you would calla traditional mountain rifle. no? well you are not the traditional kindof guy. no, i think you are probably right. so let's see what we can do with it. ok, let's go. owen finds a group of billies which he tellsme we need to get above, which of course means
climbing. am i regretting bringing such abig boy's rifle? not at all. you can't beat a bit of fresh mountain air and some strenuousexercise. you know, i should be used to this by now.every time i climb a mountain i get half way up and think 'you need to lose some weight',and here we are again, onwards and upwards. when we do stop for a quick breather, owenshows us what the goats have been grazing on. this is what they've been feeding on, theselittle berries. they go black in the end. they're really nice when they are ripe. they have nipped off nearly all the tops ofthese bushes. i take it they feed on the berries
and they start on the grass later. absolutely. just always picking the best feedsource. anyway let's get ourselves up there that was a good quick break we had. owen has a spot and reports back. there aretwo goats making their way up the valley and one below us. it sounds like one is a medal. he's just over that ridge. if we go up tothis top the wind's great for us because we are above him and we have got a nice safeshot down. you should be able to take him. he's lying down so you may have to wait aminute until he stands up. we've got plenty of time. ok, let's go.
it looks like a gold medal, is that all right? is that all right? of course that's all right.my goat is lying up in the heather and all we can see are some horns rising up like harleydavidson handlebars. he can't be more than 50 yards away, but thereis just a ridge. we've got to wait for him to stand up, but he is a big goat. we wait and wait. this goat is in no hurryto show himself. when he does stand he is face on and i am not happy with the shot.i can tell the heather is going to be a real hindrance today and i am going to have tobe patient. as he moves, another one, two, three goats rise from the heather. a couplehave broken horns and would make good cull
animals, but all in good time. let's crossover that particular bridge once i've got my medal. all in a row, the older male atthe front finally shows me a clean shot. he is down and the others haven't gone far, stayingwith the dominant male. owen and i discuss the other animals. i'm going to take out thetwo with broken horns. the heather means an engine room shot is not safe and at this distancei'm confident in taking a spine shot. both goats drop where they stand. oh what a cracker. well done mate. congratulations. it's absolutely huge. what a beautiful animal. got a really good cape on him as well.
actually it is not as thick as it looks. bythe time you go through it you're right down to the skin already. you can see here theexit wound. actually that is the entry wound. it's very difficult to make out on these exactlywhere to shoot them. so if you imagine there is its shoulder, that's the bottom of itschest and that's the top of its back, so although it looks half way up its body, it's just inthe right spot. want to see how old he is. obviously witha goat he doesn't cast, so you get the growth, one year, two, three, four... hold on, one year, two, three, four, five,six... six, i would say.
what a beautiful animal. now you told me theywere a bit smelly, but actually having followed you up the mountain all day this smells quitepleasant. now the second one, this is quite a biggerone. obviously he's got one broken off. why is it important to take these ones out? the problem you get is when they start ruttingthey are fighting each other, they don't connect uniformly which can cause a lot of damageto the other billies. so it's like an unfair advantage. it doesn't necessarily kill them, but whatthey end up getting is like fly strike. it's like sheep. they die a really horrible slowdeath. so it's a good one to take out. any
of the broken ones we try to take out. how old: one year, two, three, four yearsold. still smells as old as his dad though. now this one smells nasty, nastier than theother one. now this one obviously didn't present me with a heart and lung shot so as you cansee here i took him in the spine and he went straight down. but the bilberry was up to there ian so youdid well there. it was a lethal shot and he dropped on the spot, so well done. right so let's get him back up then. see if we can find the next one.
same story with this one, look. so it musttake some force to break these off. really thick at the base, not as long as maybeyou would have thought given those bases, what, four or five years old? yes, one year, two, three, four, five. a yearolder than the other one. exactly the same again. couldn't get his heart and lungs, sowent high in the shoulder took him through the shoulder and through the neck this time. what grain bullet were you using ian? 185 grain. you told me they don't like togo down so with a .308. normally i would only shoot up to 150 maybe up to 165-grain bullet,but seeing that i knew with your skills we
would be getting close 185-grain lapua megashave certainly done the job today. certainly have, well done, good shooting. let's get them down. before the steep descent just time for a quickpicture with all three billy goats gruff. so we have had a fantastic day, we've donea lot of climbing, we got the trophy we were looking for and we have taken two with brokenhorns. now the hard work begins. we have got to get all of this down there. this has been fieldsports britain. motivational,courageous and unremittingly british.