![hurt pigeon hurt pigeon](https://biodiversityconservationblog.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/1.jpg)
[music] welcome to fieldsports britain. coming upchristmas is around the corner and like all shooters, andy crow has got his mates decoratingthe tree. survival expert jonny crockett is back in the woods cooking up a storm out ofstuff he has found there. first roy lupton has a 40 mile an hour remote control lureto teach granny goshawk how to take pheasants and partridges. falconry is all about fitness - if your birdhasn't been pumping it's wings on the run up to the season you might as well have abudgie on your glove. roy is a little behind with his training becauseof his hip op, so to speed things along a
bit he's created the fastest lure in the west- capable of dragging... bits of muntjac impersonating a hare / whole rabbits.. and a roe deer hideat up to 45 mph across a wet field. what we have done is we have fitted an engine,a clutch and a big drum on a machine down there. we have got a servo on there whichis attached to the throttle. so now we have got a remote control lure machine. so we canrun a lure up to 45 miles an hour over about 500 metres in very quick succession and reallystart to get some fitness into the birds. this is the first year we have bothered tofly the goshawks on the lures and the results we are getting so far are phenomenal. roy's truck is bursting with eagle and hawkboxes - in total there are six birds that
need exercising in preparation for hunting.he's about to head up to scotland for the blue hares. once ian has given his youngster an outingroy brings out the old girl. she's so old and wise she remembers roy before he becameinterested in girls without plumage. this is my old gos and she is coming intoher.......she is 16 years old coming into her 17th season and for the last four yearsshe has been in a breeding aviary because i wanted to make sure i got a couple of youngstersout of her and i thought i would just take her out and give her one last hoorah and itis amazing she has being flying for a couple of weeks now just getting back to it. i thoughtshe was going to be a bit of a couched potato,
but she has already put a few rabbits in thebag and hopefully in the next couple of weeks she will start putting a few hares and a fewpheasants in the bag as well. she might be long in the beak but she's stillfighting fit and won't be fooled by gimmicks - so roy has to abandon the hare lure anduse a real rabbit. ian sets the motor turning and off she goes.as expected she hits the spot. as i say she is a smart old girl. she justpre-empted the lure again, so she baited before the lure was level with us and if she haddone that she would have got on to it a bit too easy. so i just held her back for a secondand then waited for the lure to go past parallel and then let her off and she chased it verywell. bearing in mind we have got a very good
head wind against us today, so she is probablyflying into a head wind of about 10, 15 miles an hour easily. she caught up with that noproblem. again just phenomenal the fitness this brings on so quickly. i am really, reallypleased with her. in complete contrast to this goshawk is theyoungster - and she's one of the fastest goshawks roy has ever bred. this young lady is incredibly fast we arenot going to get a true assessment of her speed today, because she is flying in sucha head wind, but the way this thing flies at the lure is just absolutely outstanding,for speed. it is a shame she has got nothing up top, she is definitely built for one thingand it is certainly not thinking.
falcons and eagles are like the formula oneracing cars of old - agile and fast but fragile if not treated with care. one thing that canhelp keep these birds stay healthy is having the right sort of transport box. the worst thing you can do for your bird'shealth especially for lung conditions such as aspergillosis is put your bird away damp.but if you do have to then a box like this could be the answer.this box is made by gamewalker, not only have they got a light fitted in them, but they have also got fans fittedat the back and then it is constantly pumping the stale air out of the box and keeping afresh flow of air through and i can't really see the reason for people using wooden boxesany more.
baby looks relaxed leaving his bespoke accommodation- and is rested enough to put on a good show, pumping after that lure. he excels at being flown from the fist whereasroy's other eagle hunts in a different way - soaring high then dropping on to his quarry. i think he is fifth or sixth season now obviouslywe have been hunting together since he was about 20 weeks old, when i went over to austriaand started our hunting career over there and i have been hunting him successfully overhere. he is a superb eagle especially for off the fist work. my other eagle, my maineagle cappie i am only using him for working in the mountains for way too long, so wheni try and fly him off the fist at brown hares,
he is not so good. but this eagle for offthe fist acceleration is just absolutely phenomenal. losing the light, cappy gets the last runof the evening. the birds are race fit and we're looking forward to seeing all roy'shard work pay off in the field. now from roy lupton and his high fliers todavid on the fieldsports channel news stump. this is fieldsports britain news. olympic shooting star peter wilson is spearheadinga campaign to try and save one of the best shooting grounds in europe. a former citytrader turned organic farmer may force the closure of southern counties shooting groundin dorset if he succeeds in his claim that lead shot from the ground is incompatiblewith his organic farm status. alastair cooper
says that lead pellets from the ground areraining down onto his farmland, killing livestock and polluting the land. pete wilson liveslocally and uses the ground regularly. the international gundog league retrieverchampionship 2012 which, is sponsored by skinner's, just like this programme, has been won bya dog fed on skinner's field & trial crunchy. dave latham's field trial champion delfleetneon of fendawood, better known as del, took the championship held at cawdor castle inscotland. bred by mr s crisp, del and dave had previously won it in 2010 at sandringham. it is a bad time to be a rat in south georgia.the trial phase in 2011 was the largest rodent eradication ever attempted and succeeded inremoving rats from a tenth of the infested
areas. the second phase of the project willsee a 25-strong team of scientists, helicopter pilots, chefs and engineers - dubbed teamrat - embark on a four-month mission to eradicate the brown rat from the south atlantic island.they are dropping 270 tonnes of poisoned bait from three helicopters. botswana is to ban big-game hunting from 2014.the south african country is one of the most popular destinations for plainsgame and dangerousgame hunters, attracting people including the king of spain. ignoring protests fromcommunities who depend on hunting for their livelihoods, the government says that a banon hunting will help in the fight against poaching. wildlife conservationists pointto other african countries such as kenya,
where hunting is banned, and poaching is drivingmany of its most of its iconic species, such as lions and rhinos, into extinction. welsh tv channel s4c has come under fire fromthe welsh government for its coverage of the badger culling in its flagship soap opera.welsh politicians dodged a cull, deciding instead on a vaccination programme. in thebbc-made tv series, pobol y cwm, a cash-strapped farmer's wife shoots her tb-infected cowsand then says "the government doesn't have the backbone to sort the problem out" andthat farmers are not afraid to break the law. hurt by the criticism, the welsh governmenttried to get the repeat of the programme withdrawn. now do you know who is top of the pops whenit comes to hunting, shooting and fishing
channels on youtube? well,fieldsports channelcrossed the 10 million views mark last week. and it inspired us to have a look at who elseis topping the charts with big global audiences. if you are watching this on youtube you cansee a full list with links below the screen. you can also see the list by going to thisaddress bt.ly/vspbjl. i am pleased to report that fieldsports channel is the biggest hunting/shooting/fishingchannel outside the usa, and we are 15th in the world. so thank you for watching. and that's not all. we have a new weekly newsletter.it has all the best of fieldsports britain each week but in word form. it's out on theinternet as a pdf, so ideal for reading on ipads and other tablets. the link is on thescreen, and in the description below the screen
if you are watching this on youtube. country pursuits tv have been having a smashingtime with a caravan and it is all in aid of charity. the film was done to raise moneyfor 13 year old holly warren who needs รข£7,000 for a special wheel chair. this of courseis not something you should try at home and the filming and shooting were supervised byfour marshalls. and finally, brian may has come out in favourof deer-culling. sort of. following the story in the sunday times from a tip off by c jacoby,that brian may allowed deer to be shot on his land in dorset, the animal rights activistand national treasure says: "there is not a trace of hypocrisy in standing by the necessaryand controlled killing of deer while opposing
the badger cull". brian is now looking atbirth control to keep the number of deer at a manageable level. you are now up to date with fieldsports britainnews. stalking the stories. fishing for facts. thank you david, interesting use of the englishlanguage there. now, we are off with andy crow after pigeons. if this solitary oak were a xmas tree - thenthe decoys would be the baubels, crowman's cousin gary, the fairy, with the pigeon hideunder the tree packed full of surprises. bang bang it's a cold morning and crow has been keento get out on to this maize stubble field.
when we first arrived, a few thousand pigeonsand crows lifted. it could be a fun day - especially if those lofted decoys catch the eyes of theflighting birds. these old lofting poles are pretty flimsy.we want to get some lofters out of the top of the tree. these go up to about 20 foot.you get a 20 foot lofting rod up there, bit of wind, with the weight of the decoy swayinglike that you can't get it where you want. so what we do, we cheat a bit, we take a ladderand stick it up the tree and get up the tree, you only need about 10, 15 foot of pole. iwouldn't recommend it to anyone unless you know what you are doing, because it is prettydangerous and that is why i send gary up. that is the only reason i have invited himtoday.
gary works his way squirrel-like around thetree and with pinpoint accuracy he carefully places the decoys on to the branches. overmany years gary has turned this into an art form, getting the angle just right so as notto put the birds off. well, it is cold up there. we've never filmed crow using the loftingpoles before so why today? pigeons have been shot at a bit and this treeis right out in the middle of the field. it is a bit of a flight line up through here,it just helps out with the decoys really. if i can get up ......if gary can get up thetree at this time of year i always stick him up there so....just get them right up thetop.
will you put decoys on the ground as wellthough? yes, we will spread the decoys out. what ihave found at the moment i am probably going to put a whirlie out to the right hand sideof us, back behind us more just for a bit of movement. what i have been finding is theyhaven't been wanting a whirlie or a flapper. other people might be finding it different.different birds, but in this area they just don't want too much movement. but today itis quite a lumpy field and i am going to put a whirlie out just for a bit of movement justto try and attract their attention and see what happens. but they might want it or theymight not. if they don't we just take it in and carry on with just a few floaters andthe cradle.
the field is scattered with fallen maize - ahigh protein diet and important to the birds as all of a sudden the temperature has dropped. you can tell which birds have been feedingon the cobs by the way they peck at it. pigeons tend to pull the grain out whereasa crow will peck like hell at it and just take the insides out. they will take it wholebut a pigeon prefers to take it whole. because the maize is such a good food sourcecrow expects that the now "pigeon free field" will soon be bringing the birds back, bothpigeons and crows. even though pigeons are the name of the game today, crow wants thepattern to look natural so he sticks in a few plastic crows as well.
right let's get this show on the road. thechances are that we've pushed the pigeons on to andy's neighbouring rape crop whichis actually what he's trying to protect - but the maize should bring them back - and theydo return in large numbers.. bang the birds are dropping in from the front andfrom behind. the lofted decoys attracting them as they fly down the centre of the field.both andy and gary are making some good shots - not everything is passing just yards infront of the hide. the cousins have been shooting together formore than 30 years and they have a system. gary calls the shots so they shoot in unison.this means the birds don't flare.
say when now...now i hit that.... now..... gary always calls, he says now and that iswhen we both shoot, you usually only hear one shot like then. he says now and we bothshot the same time, two pigeons came down. it doesn't always happen because gary usuallymisses, but, no he doesn't, he is a good shot. just means the second one won't flare. yes that is right. all you hear is just oneshot. if i can't get on a pigeon and gary
says now then gary takes the shot. he is the conductor. yes, he is the conductor. it works betterthat way. the thing is if i start calling and he misses it is my fault. at least ifi let him call....... when there is a quiet moment, the crows looktempting but andy will not be distracted and stays with the programme. there's plenty oftime for him to get into the crow zone later in the week. over the course of the day there's a regularstream of pigeons and by the end of it the boys account for 189 pigeons, three crowsand two jackdaws. he gives in to tempation
after all. next we are finding out how to stay well fedin a wild english woodland with survival expert jonny crockett. i am going to show you how to make a deliciousbread from flour, water and an oven made out of a dustbin. so to go with the soup and also as a dessertwe are going to add a bit of flour to some water, or alternatively for those left handedpeople, some water to some flour and there we go. look at that lot. aha fantastic. alittle bit left over for later. and this is where you get your hands dirty.well i say you get your hands dirty. if ever
there was any mud left on your hands thisis where you get it off. we add a bit of water, sleeves up and get stuck in there. that isit. keep turning it, keep twisting it. now you should be trying to get some dough andthe dough should be sticky enough to hold together, but it should also be dry enoughso it doesn't stick too much to your hands. some of it is going to stick. so the ideahere is to just add a little bit of water at a time. if you add too much then you haveto add more flour and it is easier to go and get some more water than it is to go and getsome more flour. what we are going to use here is self raising flour which is my preferredone. it means you don't have to have yeast and it just makes it a little bit more palatable,or i find anyway.
now what i am going to do with this in a minuteis split it into two halves and the first half is going to be just plain bread and thenthe second half is going to be mixed with some blackberries and those blackberries....imay add some other berries as well, i am not sure. but blackberry bread, i quite like.quite a nice one to finish off the meal with as well. especially washed down with a bitof sloe gin. so we are getting there. ok now then, thatis probably, by the time it is expanded with its selfraisingness. yes, so this one is goingto be ideal for a dunky, dunky in a soupy, soupy. now this is the bit i am really lookingforward to. because this is the bit i am going to add the blackberries to. now you couldif you wanted just place them neatly, or slap
them on or just see what ever you feel likedoing and then you want to try and keep them inside the dough. so it is like a surprise.there we go. so what i am going to do is put these on topof some billy can lids and we are going to put them in an oven. there we are look atthat. so there is going to be this one which is for the dessert and there is this one whichis for dunky, dunky, soupy, soupy. lovely. it is hard to say how long you leave the bread.i go back and check it every 30 minutes or so and then when it looks ready i take itout. well the moment of truth. we shall have to open it up and have a look. it is one ofthose things, you shouldn't have a sneaky, peaky just beforehand, because that can takeall of the heat out of the oven and you will
be starting from scratch again, but ooh. itshould sound hollow. yup that is just about right. how about this one? yes, beauty. from woods to the wider world of hunting,shooting, fishing in the countryside on youtube. it is hunting youtube. this is hunting youtube, which aims to showthe best hunting, shooting and fishing videos that youtube has to offer. we're off to canada where relentless pursuit- hunting coyote and whitetail in alberta part 103 by outdoorhubhunting shows bowhuntingincluding calling coyotes - and it's dramatic. keep heading west and we get to a deer herdin the south pacific. hunting rusa deer in
new caledonia part 51 shows waikarimoana aftertrophy rusa stags with, he is the first to admit, a couple of mistakes. we complete our round-the-world trip on rabbithunting with cz 452 .22 rimfire rifle. fieldsports1 is shooting rabbits from a vehicle and heis keen to share all his techniques. using liquidised bait shows shimano/dynamitebaits' jonny watt on the best recipe he has: liquidised corn and maggot. now it's time for fish on some kind of mind-alteringdrug. tunaxxl, canso, nova scotia, canada by thomas schmidt is the closest we can get,all set to a heady sound track. back to earth with a bump and modern trappingseries part 38 dog proof coon traps by wildernessoutfitters
shows an excellent spring trap which you willhave to check for legality in your own country but may give you some good ideas. wildernessoutfittersis currently the sixth biggest hunting/shooting/fishing youtube channel in the world. we get little drive bird shooting on youtubeso it is a joy to see a film of a pheasant shooting day at dungarthill estate near dunkeld,perthshire, scotland in late november 2012. this comes to us from robert white. finally, fans of the pirates of the caribbeanwill be surprised to find the film soundtrack used on this wild boar hunting film by 77580nounours.it's in french but the subtitles are hardly necessary to give you a clue about the action.c'est la grande traque de voulanbord.
you can click on any of these films to watchthem. if you have a youtube film you would like us to pop in to the weekly top eight,send it in via youtube, or email me the link charlie@fieldsportschannel.tv well, we are back next week when george digweedwill be shooting an 800 bird day on the pigeons. if you are been watching this on youtube pleasedon't hesitate to hit the subscribe button somewhere up there in the sky above me, orto our shows page on youtube www.youtube.com/show/fieldsportsbritain where you can subscribe to just this showand not all of our content or go to our website www.fieldsportschannel.tv click to like uson facebook, follow us on twitter, or best of all stick your email address into the constantcontact form and we will constantly contact
you about our show which is out 7pm uk timeevery wednesday. this has been fieldsports britain.